Nutrition These are the most valuable food oils for cooking and health

Nutrition These are the most valuable food oils for cooking and health / Health News
Rapeseed, olive or linseed oil: Which edible oils are best for cooking and health
As varied as our diet has become over the past few decades, the supply of edible oils has become so diverse. In addition to long-known sunflower and rapeseed oil, products such as coconut, hemp or sesame oil can now also be found on the supermarket shelves. But which oil is right for a healthy diet?

Which cooking oil is the right one
When choosing the edible oil, the ghosts divorce. Some use only olive oil in the kitchen. Others rely more on domestic rapeseed oil. And due to new food trends, varieties such as coconut oil are increasingly found in German households. It is not so easy to choose the supermarket that is best for your kitchen and health. Some explanations should help.

Rapeseed, olive or linseed oil: The supermarket nowadays has many edible oils. But which oil is best for our health? (Image: Syda Productions /

The different oils are in the kitchen to varying degrees suitable
It is clear that the different oils are suitable for the preparation of food to varying degrees.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE), for example, explains that "cold-pressed oils are especially suitable for preparing salads, appetizers and desserts, while roasting" is especially heat-stable, refined vegetable oils whose smoke point is above 160 ° C ", Find use.

Here, for example, refined rapeseed oil, olive oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil or corn oil can be used.

The best edible oil for nutritional reasons
Südwestrundfunk (SWR) has collected useful information on individual oils on its website. As it says there, rapeseed oil is the best edible oil for nutritional reasons.

According to the SWR, this makes up for our body the favorable composition of fatty acids, which is optimal with a high percentage of oleic acid and a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids of 2: 1.

The more omega-6 fatty acids are contained, the less omega-3 fatty acids our body can use.

Since refined rapeseed oil is tasteless and highly heatable, it can be used well for frying and baking. It's also good for salad.

The consumer information service aid reported last year that rapeseed oil is now more popular among Germans than sunflower and olive oil.

Olive oil is often polluted
Olive oil is especially popular with people who are inclined to the Mediterranean diet. According to SWR, this edible oil mainly consists of oleic acid. The ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 is 8: 1.

According to the DGE, these fatty acids decrease triglyceride levels, "improve blood flow and prevent blood vessel deposits". In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the immune system and inhibit inflammatory reactions in the body.

Unfortunately, olive oils are often contaminated with pollutants, as shown by investigations of Stiftung Warentest. Experts complained about compliance with quality grades and saturation of saturated mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH) in recent olive oil tests.

It also showed that quality is not necessarily the price to pin down. Some cheap olive oils from the discounter came in the test quite well.

Basically, cold-pressed oils should not be heated up, otherwise they will "burn off" and thereby develop harmful substances. In addition, they lose their typical aroma. Suitable for salads and moderate roasts up to 140 degrees.

Linseed oil should always be fresh
As the SWR reports, linseed oil is the only oil that contains more omega-3 fatty acids than omega-6 fatty acids. It is therefore perfectly suited to increase our omega-3 budget. And with a tablespoon of linseed oil per day.

The health-promoting effect of linseed oil has also been confirmed in scientific studies.

Since this oil rants fast, always fresh goods should be consumed. It is best bought directly from the mill, which freshly squeezed it before shipment. In the refrigerator, the opened bottle is stable for four weeks.

Exotic oils enrich the kitchen
According to experts, the health benefits of coconut oil could not be proven in studies. But as an ingredient in exotic dishes such as curries, it can, like coconut milk, contribute to a pleasantly fresh-sweet taste and enrich the kitchen.

The SWR also points to walnut oil and hemp oil. These flavorful, vegetable oils also provide omega-3 fatty acid. They are mainly used in the salad kitchen.

And finally, an exotic product: roasted sesame oil is, as the name implies, made from sesame roasted before pressing. This oil is used in small quantities and is indispensable for the Asian cuisine. (Ad)