Having a tick bite You need to be aware of these borreliosis clues

Having a tick bite You need to be aware of these borreliosis clues / Health News
Ticks are already active: First Lyme disease reported
Although it is often believed that ticks can only be dangerous in spring and summer, the small bloodsuckers are active even at relatively low temperatures. This is also shown by the reported diseases. In Brandenburg there are already the first cases of Lyme disease.

Ticks are also active in cool temperatures
Ticks are not only on the way when it is cuddly warm, but already at relatively cool temperatures. Although the risk of being bitten by a tick is lower in cold weather, as you are usually not short on greenery. Nevertheless, one should search for a stay in nature. The fact that the little bloodsuckers are already active, is also reflected in the reported cases of illness in Brandenburg.

Although it is mostly cold outside, ticks are already active in many regions. This is also evident in the cases of illness. In Brandenburg, dozens of cases of borreliosis have been reported since the beginning of the year. (Image: Smileus / fotolia.com)

Already reported dozens of Lyme disease
According to a report by the dpa news agency, the Brandenburg Ministry of Health in Potsdam reported that since the beginning of the year 64 cases of Lyme disease caused by tick bites have been reported.

According to the information, there had been a total of 1,547 cases of Lyme disease in the country last year.

According to the ministry, Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in Europe. The occurrence, however, varies from region to region. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), a transmission from person to person is not possible.

Bacteria can lead to infections
In this infectious disease bacteria get into the human body through a tick bite, which can then lead to infections.

According to RKI data, symptoms can be reddening of the skin, fever, muscle and headache, or even paralysis. Some complaints can occur only after months.

If the disease remains unrecognized and untreated, it can lead to chronic damage to, among other things, the heart, nerves and joints.

There is a vaccine against TBE
In addition to Lyme disease, ticks can also transmit tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). This disease can be particularly severe in older people. About one third of the infected people have symptoms of illness.

First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness.

Many people with TBE also develop brain, meningitis or spinal inflammation. In extreme cases, the disease is fatal.

TBE can not be treated causally, doctors can only alleviate the symptoms. Against TBE is a vaccine available - not against Lyme disease. The latter, however, can be treated with antibiotics.

Protect against ticks
Experts advise protecting themselves as well as possible from ticks. Ideally, one stays on the trails while walking. When hiking, you should always remember to wear long trousers and, if necessary, put the trouser legs in the socks. Specialized sprays, known as repellents, can keep the creepy-crawlies away.

In addition, one should search thoroughly after spending time in nature and, if necessary, react quickly. After a tick bite, you have to hurry. Since the dangerous pathogens spread in the bloodstream eight to twelve hours after the sting, you can drastically reduce the risk of infection if you find ticks early and removed.

Anyone who notices after the bite of a tick, that a skin redness occurs at the injection site, should immediately to the doctor. Because this is an indication of Lyme disease. (Ad)