Always take sufferers seriously How to deal with depressives properly?

Always take sufferers seriously How to deal with depressives properly? / Health News
Tips for better treatment of depressives
Depression is so widespread that it has long since become a widespread disease. Nevertheless, some people feel insecure when who is affected by the family or the circle of acquaintances. Experts have some tips for dealing with depressives ready.

Depression has long become a common disease
Depression has long been one of the most widespread diseases worldwide. In Germany alone, around six million people are affected within one year, according to health experts. In addition to the treatment, which usually takes place with medication and psychotherapy, it is extremely important for those affected to be taken seriously. Experts have even more advice for dealing with depressives.

Relatives and friends of people with depression often do not know exactly how to best deal with those affected. Experts have summarized some tips for them. (Image: DREIDREIEINS photo /

Illness is not always easy to recognize
As experts in the S3 guideline / national care guideline explain "unipolar depression", the disease "depression" is not always easy to recognize, it also often remains unrecognized.

Certain longer-lasting symptoms indicate that a depressive illness is present. "These include, for example, a depressed mood, loss of interest and lack of drive. Often, depressed people find it hard to cope with everyday tasks or concentrate. In addition, they suffer from strong self-doubt and tend to ponder, "it says in the guideline.

Those affected have lower self-esteem, anxiety about the future, sleep disturbances, poor appetite and other physical ailments such as gastrointestinal problems or a feeling of pressure in the throat and chest.

In the long term, depression can promote type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, among others.

In addition, sufferers often lose not only the desire for, but also the will to live. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that suicide and suicide will be the second most common cause of death in the world due to depression in 2020.

Be sure to take depressives seriously
The treatment of depression is traditionally medications (antidepressants) and psychotherapy. But sports also help against depression.

Very important for those affected is also how their personal environment behaves. Although there is no panacea for dealing with patients, experts have summarized a few things that friends or relatives of sufferers should be aware of.

As the medical center for quality in medicine (ÄZQ) explains in a new patient information, it is most important to take the person concerned seriously and to have understanding. In addition, you should encourage your friend or relative - just as you would any other illness - to seek professional help.

How relatives can help the sick
"Many depressed people are afraid to be considered" crazy ". Make it clear that such fears are not justified, "writes the ÄZQ. No one is to blame for the disease, the causes are manifold, they can hit anyone.

Those affected can help activities. Small activities such as walking together or listening to music prepare joy in everyday life. Even a conversation can be good.

The AKA indicates that patients will sometimes reject their relatives or friends. "But this is not aimed at you as a person, but is due to the disease. The other is not always able to accept your suggestions, "say the experts.

The patient information section recommends that friends and family members inform themselves about the disease and be aware that the treatment will take time. It is also important that the helpers - in spite of the illness of their friend or relative - take care of themselves and, for example, do not neglect their hobbies and interests. (Ad)