Cold time coughing is not the same as coughing

Cold time coughing is not the same as coughing / Health News

False cough can become a permanent problem


According to doctors, false coughing sometimes leads to cracks in the mucous membrane, which can often become a permanent problem for those affected. There are basically two types of cough. One is classified as more productive and the other as an unproductive cough, says Michael Barczok, board member of the Federal Association of Pulmonology. The unproductive cough is dry and tormenting, the productive dissolves mucus, "I feel relieved," explained Barczok. "We want the productive cough." Therefore, sufferers should not treat him with cough suppressants if possible.“

Tenderly encountering a dry irritative cough
The dry irritant cough behaves differently. Those affected should not let it run wild, but with „tender cough“ to encounter. In the process, the coughing victim forms a fist with his left hand, into which he gently coughs, explained Barczok. The cheeks should fluff up, as this creates a small air barrier down to the bronchial tubes, which ensures that they do not clash when coughing. Because this is precisely the problem of dry irritation coughing.

Cracks can arise in the mucous membrane
Irritable cough originates from an infection. "Viruses invade the mucous membrane and are repelled," says Barczok. This can cause cracks, which can excite the nerve fibers in the mucous membrane even in a burst of cold air or the inhalation of smoke. This often causes a source of coughing. If you give it uncontrolled, and the mucous membranes meet each other, tear the wounds every time again. "The problem is that there is a self-sustaining cough."

Saline solution serves as a humidifier
Additional help is the moistening of the mucous membranes with a saline solution. This can be inhaled or gargled. For homemade salt solutions, Braczok recommends adding one teaspoon of salt to one liter of water. In general, the mixtures can turn out a bit stronger. Warm drinks support the relief. "The trachea and the esophagus run side by side," says the doctor. The heat is passed on so well.

Breathing is important
Even the right breathing helps against the irritating cough. Fast and superficial breathing should be avoided. If you take a slower and deeper breath, you can relieve your mucous membranes a little. When productive coughing with mucus, it can also be helpful if another person from the bottom up, once right, once left slightly taps the person concerned, advises the expert. These vibrations help to loosen the mucus in the chest. (Fr)