Angel-fly play can damage the joints of children

Angel-fly play can damage the joints of children / Health News
Beware of injuries in the "Angel Fly" game
Almost all children love the "little angel fly game" in which the parents hold their child between their hands and swing it back and forth. The professional association of paediatricians, however, warns of injuries to the joints. Because the movement can damage the elbow joints of the child.

"Angel Fly" game can cause injury to the elbow joint
Under certain circumstances, the joint is pulled apart in the "Angel Fly" game, so that surrounding tissue slips into the joint space. When released, the tissue is then pinched. Doctors speak of a subluxation of the radial head.

The "Little Angel Fly" strain on the joints. Image: Photocreo Bednarek /

When the child falls down, the parents pull it up by the arm. This can also cause painful discomfort, as the ligaments holding the joint in the correct position are not yet tight in young children and the joints are not fully formed. In order to avoid injuries, parents should not make too strong swinging motions with their children during the "Little Angel Game".

If the child takes a restraint, parents should go with him to the doctor
If the child takes a posture after the game by holding the forearm bent and usually presses lightly against the abdomen, this may indicate damage to the joint. The children can barely lift the arm and do not want to move it anymore. In this case, parents should go to the doctor with their children, as mobility of the joint without treatment can remain permanently limited. In many cases, the doctor can bring the joint right back into the right position. (Ag)