Tight jeans Impotent be through tight pants?

Tight jeans Impotent be through tight pants? / Health News
Do you actually get impotent from tight pants??
An old wisdom says that too tight pants can make men impotent. The most fashionable jeans fit exactly to the body. Some even go into the bathtub to make the jeans even tighter. But is there really a danger to the male gender? We asked once.

Make tight pants really impotent?
Although skinny pants are in fashion, they are harmful to health, experts warn. Skinny jeans threaten nerve damage in the lower legs, as scientific studies showed. If men wear very tight trousers they sometimes have to listen to themselves, that is why they become impotent. But that is not so, as a health expert explained in a message from the news agency dpa. Regardless of what is meant by "impotent", Götz Christian Melloh from the Department of Urology of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Can tight pants damage your health? Image: lashkhidzetim - photolila

Quality of sperm could be damaged
The doctor emphasized: "The term is no longer in use." Do men have erection problems, it is called erectile dysfunction and infertility infertility. "Erectility is definitely not affected by tight pants," says Melloh. And fertility does not suffer from tight pants, according to the expert. There was evidence from studies that tight pants damage sperm quality because the tightness causes elevated testicle temperature. "But then it's more about occupations that have a long-term job," explained Melloh.

Smoking reduces fertility
In addition, according to the physician, no further influencing factors were recorded in such studies. As he explained, other factors are more crucial for sperm quality. For example, whether someone smokes, has a lot of stress or how he feeds. Such circumstances were already part of scientific studies. For example, a study by the Saarland University showed that smoking reduces fertility in men. And just recently, two research teams reported that a high-fat diet of the father worsened the sperm. (Ad)