Angel trumpet people poison themselves with tea

Angel trumpet people poison themselves with tea / Health News

Young adults drink angel trumpet tea: hospital


In Lower Bavaria, four people have poisoned themselves with a tea from angel trumpet. The young adults had to be hospitalized. This nightshade plant is smoked or drunk by some people as a drug and can lead to severe poisoning.

Tea drunk from angel trumpets
Four young people have poisoned themselves in Lower Bavaria with a tea from the angel trumpet. According to a news agency dpa news agency, the police said Monday that the 21 to 23-year-old women and men were taken to a hospital. According to them, they had drank tea with a 23-year-old in Riedenburg, in the district of Kelheim, on Sunday, which they themselves had made from angel trumpets. The police warned that consuming this plant could lead to hallucinations and high levels of intoxication.

Experts warn against consumption
Angel trumpets (Brugmansia) belong to the family Solanaceae and are not only smoked or drunk by some people as a drug in this country. Experts warn again and again that the consumption of the plant, especially in increased doses, could lead to serious health consequences, including death. This also applies to other legal drugs, such as herbal mixtures, which are smoked more often by young people. Depending on the content, nausea and vomiting, sweats, palpitations, a fainting spell or hallucinations may occur. (Ad)

Picture: Helene Souza