Parent's advice This should be considered during the evening reading

Parent's advice This should be considered during the evening reading / Health News
How long and how exciting can it be? Tips for reading aloud for parents
The evening reading aloud can fulfill different functions. For many children it is a veritable ritual to "come down". In addition, it stimulates the imagination, creativity and empathy and promotes language development. Some parents wonder how exciting stories can be before falling asleep and how long they should last.
Reading aloud strengthens the language development of the child
For many children reading aloud in the evening can be a ritual to get down to. A study from last year came to the conclusion: reading aloud strengthens the language development and family ties. It also stimulates imagination, creativity and empathy. As a study by Stiftung Lesen shows, at least every third parent pair reads several times a week to children who are not yet able to read and write. 18 percent of respondents even take a book every day for their offspring at hand. On the other hand, however, 15 percent read their offspring less than once a week before, another 15 percent never.

The evening reading aloud promotes language development and is a good ritual at bedtime. (Image: Konstantin Yuganov /

Reliable and punctual
The survey also found that 80 percent of well-read 8- to 12-year-olds believe their classmates would describe them as "very reliable" or "normally never late", said the director of the Institute for Reading and Learning Media Research, Simone Ehmig. "These children are more willing to take responsibility in their later professional lives and creatively bring things forward." On the other hand, among the children whose parents seldom or never take books for them, not even every second is reliable and punctual.

Children should choose reading material themselves
According to Dana Urban of the Federal Education Conference, it would be ideal if mothers and fathers let the child choose what they would like to hear. In a message from the news agency dpa she said: "It's great if the child has its own bookshelf at a child's height." Especially with children's books, it may be worthwhile to rummage through the library and borrow something. But many parents wonder if you can read something exciting before falling asleep. The story should be exciting, according to Urban. "The child is looking forward to the next evening, because she wants to know what's going to happen." However, a calming story may be the right choice, especially for smaller children.

It may also be something scary
Urban said that parents may read something scary according to their age, but they should start with it in the afternoon and see how the child responds. The length of the reading time also depends on the child. "Preschool children can concentrate and listen attentively for about half an hour on average," says the expert. Parents can also check this well by small requests in between. Children who are read aloud more often are more trained in this and can listen longer concentrated.

When the little ones go to bed at different times
In families with several children a few years apart, parents are often unsure whether to read the same book to all children. If they go to bed at the same time in the evening, they may alternate with choosing the book. Another possibility would be that there are two short stories in a row. However, if the younger child goes to bed earlier or the age difference is quite clear, Urban recommends that each child has their own reading time. The older siblings also appreciate that. They often like it when they have mum or dad for themselves when the younger ones are already sleeping. (Ad)