Parent Guide Babies are much more temperature sensitive than adults

Parent Guide Babies are much more temperature sensitive than adults / Health News
Less sweat glands: babies overheat much faster than adults
The summer finally returns: Unfortunately, the health risks of sunlight and heat are often underestimated. Especially for small children this can be dangerous. They are much more sensitive to heat than adults.

Heat can be dangerous for babies
When temperatures rise again, nobody should go out in the sun unprotected. Especially for babies, too much heat can quickly become dangerous. Proper sunscreen for babies includes, among other things, a hat, cap, or cloth with umbrella and neck guard to protect the head, face, neck, and ears from direct sunlight. At the same time, all uncovered parts of the body should be protected with sunscreen, which should be applied repeatedly and liberally. Experts have more tips.

Small children have much less sweat glands than adults and are therefore much more sensitive to heat. Experts advise a special sunscreen for babies. (Image: candy1812 /

Children have less sweat glands
As reported by the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) on its website "", babies are more sensitive to heat than adults. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, children overheat up to five times faster than adults because they do not have as many sweat glands as adults and have a relatively large surface area relative to body volume, which makes it hard to regulate their core body temperature.

Parents often put their offspring too warm
"Because children have lower fluid reserves, they also dehydrate more easily," Dr. Dennis Woo, a pediatrician at the UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica. "Add to that the fact that many parents - especially the first child - tend to put their child to warm, which also favors overheating. And besides, very young children can not communicate yet and make us understand that they are too hot. "

Signs of overheating
Irritability, hot skin and sweating may be early signs of overheating, experts say. In neonates, therefore, a damp head or neck can speak for overheating. According to information from the BVKJ, small children are probably overheated when they are sweaty and their face is redder than usual, they show a rash, breathe quickly and their breasts feel hot. If it comes to fever and nausea and / or vomiting, a doctor should be contacted.

Sweating at high humidity less effective
Dr. Woo has some tips for parents on how to protect their offspring in the heat: In addition to the head protection and sunscreen protection mentioned earlier, it is advisable for children to stay at home between 10:00 and 16:00 on very hot days. As the expert explained, sweating in high humidity is no longer as effective as it affects the body's cooling mechanism. Because children are even more affected than adults due to their smaller size, humid climates can lower their temperature to overheat.

Always drink enough
Children should always drink enough, especially when exposed to heat. For children over half a year, water is ideal. Babies younger than six months should be breastfed or fed more often. Nursing mothers should also pay attention to a sufficient fluid intake. At high temperatures, light-fitting, light clothing is advised. Breathable fabrics such as cotton are recommended.

Lukewarm baths can provide some cooling. Parents should not be worried if the little ones have less appetite because of the heat, as long as they drink enough. At high temperatures, children should limit their physical activities and relocate them to cooler mornings or evenings. (Ad)