Parents have to explain the topic privacy and internet child-friendly

Parents have to explain the topic privacy and internet child-friendly / Health News
Understanding is important for a safe use of the Internet
The term "privacy" is usually a foreign word for children. It is also important for the youngest to understand this topic in order to be able to move safely on the Internet. Parents should therefore, according to the initiative "Look! What your child does with media "Carefully explain to their children what they are doing and thus make them aware of how to deal responsibly with personal and private information.

Theme often deters only
Whether private data on "Facebook" or photos on "Instagram": Especially children and adolescents are often unaware of the consequences they can have when presenting personal information or images on the Internet. It is important that they are familiar with the topic of "privacy" and know how to comply with it. But the term sounds daunting for many young people, too complex and boring. Therefore, it is even more important that parents take care to educate their children in a child-friendly and sensitive way.

Children should be quickly educated about the dangers of the internet. Image: Gina Sanders - fotolia

Parents should use illustrative examples
According to the news agency "dpa", according to the initiative "Look! What your child does with media "makes sense to explain clearly what it is about privacy. For example, parents might ask their child, "How would you find it when you have a giant poster hanging on the outside wall of the school? And now imagine that there are probably many more people on the Internet who see the photos than you did in front of your school. "Examples like these could help children become more aware of the possibilities of the Internet and thereby take their privacy more seriously.

Password should have more than six characters
Also important is the correct handling of passwords, because these are required today on almost every website. In order to prevent access from outside, they should accordingly be kept to themselves and be as safe as possible. According to the initiative, children could for example check for "" how certain the chosen password actually is or how long the decryption would take by a computer.

For a knowledge quiz with regard to password security, the website "" is also available. Here children also learn that a good, secure password, e.g. should contain more than six characters as well as letters and numbers. Likewise it is important that it can not be guessed by others but at the same time kept well by the child. Tips and tricks on how to memorize a long, complicated password could get kids on "", so the information of the initiative on.

"Privacy Tips "to download
The EU initiative "" also brings the issues of data protection and personal rights into the consciousness of parents and appeals to mothers and fathers to enlighten and sensitize their children. Therefore, the initiative offers parents the extensive flyer "Privacy Tips" for download, in which all the important information on the subject and suggestions for the conversation with the children are summarized. (No)