Parents need to call the ambulance if the child is in a febrile convulsion

Parents need to call the ambulance if the child is in a febrile convulsion / Health News
If a child has a febrile convulsion, parents should call the ambulance
Although children get fever much more often than adults, in most cases the high body temperature is no cause for great concern. The causes are often relatively harmless. However, if the symptoms last longer or the child has a febrile convulsion, a doctor should be consulted. In case of persistent spasm, it is even necessary to call an ambulance.

Quickly bring babies with a fever to the doctor
When a child has a fever, parents often ask themselves when to bring it to the doctor. If the offspring is less than three months old, parents should always seek medical advice from a body temperature of 38 degrees or more. It should be noted that one should measure the temperature in babies in the buttocks, since deviations are more likely at other parts of the body. If the temperature does not rise too high, home remedies for fever can often help with older children. However, it can be dangerous if children have febrile convulsions. Then it is sometimes necessary to call an ambulance.

Febrile convulsions in children sometimes have a frightening effect. Mostly they are harmless. However, if the cramps last longer, an ambulance should be called. (Image: ladysuzi /

Prolonged febrile convulsion is a case for the ambulance
As the Institute for Efficiency and Quality in Healthcare explains on its Patient Information Portal, a febrile seizure that lasts more than 15 minutes and is one-sided is a case for the ambulance. As a rule, the child then gets anticonvulsant medication, and the febrile seizure usually resolves quickly.

"A simple febrile convulsion usually lasts a few minutes and occurs mainly in children between the ages of three months and five years," it says on the portal "Febrile convulsions can be scary, though they are mostly harmless."

Do not give the child food or drink
Meanwhile, parents should make sure that the offspring does not hurt themselves by, for example, bumping into each other. The child should not get anything to eat or drink either. After a febrile convulsion, it makes no sense to have the little ones examined by the doctor.

The child loses consciousness in a febrile convulsion, the muscles become cramped, arms and legs twitch. "Children often twist their eyes, have dilated pupils or a fixed gaze. The lips or the whole face may turn blue, "write the experts.

Such cramps can occur when the fever rises quickly or is very high. (Ad)