Ice is addictive

Ice is addictive / Health News

Ice as an addictive factor?


According to a recent study, ice is just as addictive as illegal drugs. Scientists found that it can even come to withdrawal symptoms, if no ice is consumed. The regular consumption of sweets may end in a vicious circle, as more and more amounts are needed to increase dopamine levels.

Ice can be as addictive as illegal drugs
For the study, in the journal „American Journal of Clinical Nutrition“ 151 young people between the ages of 14 and 16 were questioned about their eating habits with healthy weight. The subjects also indicated which foods they regularly have the most appetite. While the subjects were shown a picture of a milkshake with Häagen-Dazs chocolate ice cream, the researchers scanned their brains. All subjects then expressed a desire for the milkshake. However, the adolescents who previously said they were eating a lot of ice could enjoy the shake less than the other study participants.

According to the scientists, this is the same reaction as with drug addicts, who need more and more of the drug through regular consumption to increase their dopamine levels and thus address the reward center in the brain. So the subjects had to eat more and more ice to get the original feeling of happiness when eating the dessert. This can end in a vicious circle.

"This down-regulation pattern is well-known about regular drug use: the more drugs an individual takes, the less reward it gets from consuming," Dr. Burger opposite „“. The amount is thereby increased further and further. This applies to cocaine as well as ice, to withdrawal symptoms.

What helps against cravings on ice and other sweets?
In order to liberate oneself in the long term from food cravings to sweets, a targeted diet change should be made best. It is advisable to have regular meals based on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, as these do not unnecessarily raise the blood sugar level and stimulate the metabolism.

However, according to experts, there is also the psychologically motivated cravings, that is eating to reduce or to avoid unpleasant negative feelings. The psychologically motivated cravings show in irresistible appetite in situations like loneliness, fear or sadness. Feeding then provides a sense of comfort, security or protection. (Ag)

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Picture credits: Thommy Weiss