Ice cream, drinks and a lot of mozzarella All calorie traps in summer

Ice cream, drinks and a lot of mozzarella All calorie traps in summer / Health News
Ice Cream and Co .: Many calorie traps lurk in summer
Keeping the weight is hard enough for many people anyway. In summer, additional calorie traps lurk. Delicious ice cream and cool summer drinks are quickly noticeable on the hips. Even when grilling or in the beer garden, it is not easy to reduce calories. But there are also healthy alternatives.

Calorie traps lurk everywhere
The culinary temptations in the summer are truly great: calorie traps like delicious ice cream or a cool summer drink lurk everywhere. In the ice cream parlor, in the beer garden or at the sociable barbecue: In warmer weather, there are enough occasions to "sin". If you do not want to jeopardize your possibly hard-earned beach figure, you should be careful and resort to healthier alternatives, as the news agency "spot on news" reported in a post on the subject. Nutrition experts are always explaining which foods to avoid to minimize belly fat.

Healthy ice cream with healthy ingredients. (Image: sarsmis / fotolia)

Not every ice cream is a calorie bomb
Even if ice cream is a warm summer's day for most people, healthy or even low in fat, ice cream is unfortunately rare: no matter if it is a product from the frozen food rack in the supermarket or from the creamy balls from the ice cream parlor. It is said that the values ​​of common varieties and brands are between 200 and over 500 calories.

Not all ice creams are calorie bombs. More and more ice cream parlors now rely on calorie-reduced ice cream with quark, yogurt or stevia. In addition, homemade water ice is a healthy and fresh alternative, as the agency writes. For example, you can make delicious and low-fat varieties from pureed fruits, water and honey or agave syrup. In order to introduce "style", one can freeze edible flowers in the small molds.

Alcoholic seductions
In hot temperatures, of course, lure fresh, alcoholic temptations. Well-known summer drinks such as Aperol Spritz, Hugo or Campari Orange, however, contain relatively many calories. The obligatory cyclist (Alsterwasser) in the beer garden is also high in calories with its sugar-rich lemonade. White wine spritzers would be a lighter alternative. However, health experts advise against consuming alcohol at hot temperatures anyway. To quench your thirst, you should especially focus on water or unsweetened teas or fruit juice spritzers.

Enjoy fruits better
Fruits such as strawberries or rhubarb are particularly refreshing, especially in summer. Actually, the fruit is healthy, but it is often eaten in combination with cream or mascarpone or in fruit pies or pies. Basically, it is advised to enjoy the fruits pure. If the sweetness is missing, you should not help with table sugar, but with agave syrup or maple syrup. Caution is also the order of the day for summer food: Caprese. The salad of tomato and mozzarella tastes fresh and light, but the Italian cheese contains a lot of fat. So is a ball buffalo mozzarella on average about 300 calories. The "salad" should therefore be understood rather as a rich main course and not as a side dish.

Vegetables on the grill
Barbecues or a cozy barbecue with friends in the summer for many Germans are almost on the agenda. Again, calories can be saved. As "spot on news" writes, greasy sausages or pork chops are not for every day. For grilled meat, you should rather choose light poultry or lamb. Alternative grilling with vegetables and tofu is also becoming increasingly popular. Not only vegetarians rely on eggplants, zucchini or peppers to bring some variety to the grill. Instead of the often used sauces like ketchup and Co. you should prepare your own alternatives with yoghurt or quark. (Ad)