A beer daily prevents serious heart disease?

A beer daily prevents serious heart disease? / Health News
Doctors are studying the effects of moderate alcohol consumption
In Germany, many people like to drink a so-called after-work beer. Is it possible that consuming one beer a day has positive health effects on the human body? Researchers found that moderately drinking alcohol can reduce the risk of heart attack, angina or heart failure.

Researchers at the internationally renowned University of Cambridge and University College London found in one study that consuming about one a day's beer reduces the risk of several serious heart diseases. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Most people like to drink a beer from time to time. The regular moderate consumption of alcohol even seems to have a protective effect on heart health. (Image: GChristo / fotolia)

Effects of moderate consumption of alcohol
For their study, the experts examined over 1.93 million people in the UK. English physicians generally advise in guidelines that people should consume no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. "Moderate consumption creates a protective effect on the human heart compared to non-drinking people," explain the scientists. Previous studies have already shown that alcohol has a positive effect on healthy cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) in the blood. Also, effects on proteins associated with blood clotting have been observed.

People with moderate alcohol consumption are less likely to have heart problems
Moderate drinkers do not turn up so often because of heart problems with their doctor. Such people are less likely to suffer from angina pectoris, heart attacks, heart failure, ischemic stroke and circulatory problems, the researchers explain. "We've found that moderate drinkers are less likely to have cardiovascular disease compared to non-drinkers," the experts said. However, we should not now encourage individuals to start drinking regularly to reduce their risk, says study author Steven Bell of the University of Cambridge.

There are better ways than alcohol consumption to prevent heart disease
There are clearly safer and more effective ways to reduce cardiovascular risk - such as increased physical activity and smoking cessation, explain the physicians. These work without increased risks for alcohol-related damage (such as liver disease and cancer), as they often occur in an alcohol dependence, the study authors continue.

Alcohol guidelines should be revised
The current study was a so-called observational study. For this reason, no definitive conclusions can be drawn. However, the results are in line with earlier studies already carried out. Four decades of epidemiological studies have largely determined the same. The findings should lead to a revision of the general alcohol guidelines, so the researchers concluded.

The risks of alcohol consumption outweigh its benefits
Moderate alcohol consumption can certainly have a positive impact on health. "But it's important to remember that the risks of drinking outweigh the benefits," warn the authors. The results are certainly no reason to start drinking alcohol if you are not already drinking alcohol, experts say. There are far more effective ways to improve your heart health, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and cessation of smoking, physicians emphasize. (As)