One bath a week is enough for babies

One bath a week is enough for babies / Health News

For babies, one bath per week is enough


Some babies like to splash around in the warm water, while others are more like a bathrobe. When it comes to cleanliness, a bath for newborns per week is enough. Babies can also be bathed well in the sink. A midwife gives valuable tips.

Sink offers enough space
Parents do not necessarily need a small tub or a special bath bucket for their baby, says midwife Juliane Martinet from Karlsruhe. For the weekly bath the sink is completely sufficient. „It is difficult to get in the narrow bucket on all skin folds“, so Martinet opposite the news agency dpa. A washbasin not only provides enough space, but is also in a back-friendly height for the parents. The best way for parents to put a rolled towel as a back support in the pelvis so that the baby does not slip away.

Olive oil and cream in the bath water
The midwife recommends: „In the beginning it is good to bathe the child in pairs.“ Because then one can put the baby in the arm and the other washes it. Little babies do not need shampoo or special bath products because they are not sweating yet. Parents who are more experienced and able to keep their offspring safely, may put some olive oil and cream into the water for skin care. But this is not necessary. One bath a week is enough. Otherwise, the skin, which is much thinner in the little ones than in adults, may be too stressed.

Five to six minutes lasting bathing ritual
The baby should not be in the water for more than five to six minutes. Ideal are 37 degrees Celsius water temperature, so that the child remains relaxed while splashing. The bathroom should have a pleasant temperature of 24 degrees. Often the morning is better suited for the bathing ritual than the evening. Because many babies are then well rested and not impressed by the impressions of the day. If the little ones resist bathing, they should be allowed time. Washing is enough and sooner or later almost all of them develop into enthusiastic kids. After bathing, it is important to dry the baby well and not forget the skin behind the ears, armpits and knees to avoid skin inflammation. (Ad)

Picture: Alexandra H.