A rude awakening during the carnival - What to do about it?

A rude awakening during the carnival - What to do about it? / Health News
What can you do about the "awakening" during the carnival season??
So many people will probably look too deep into the glass at exuberant carnival parties. The louder a party, the worse the next day's impact. For those who have drunk too much alcohol, some tips against the carnival hangover can help.
The "awakening" after the celebration
During the carnival season many a morning starts with bad headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Often, gastritis (gastritis) and loss of appetite are added. The more alcohol was consumed at the carnival parade, the carnival party or a carnival event, the worse the complaints. Some people are wondering how to avoid the bad hangover or even speed up the reduction of alcohol. In a message from the dpa news agency, an expert answers:

Prevent a rude awakening. Picture: Jenifoto - fotolia

Liver needs time for alcohol loss
"To anticipate it directly: For the latter, there is no cure. You can only wait until the liver has managed to break down the alcohol ", explains the nutrition and fitness expert of the German University for Prevention and Health Management (DHfPG), Prof. Dr. med. Georg Abel. As a guideline, a degradation rate of approx. 0.1 - 0.15 per thousand per hour applies here. "However, the absorption, and thus the speed with which the alcohol is distributed in the body, slow down by eating high-fat foods," said Abel. Therefore, other experts, such as the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) advise people to eat fat at Carnival in order to reduce the alcohol effects.

A glass of water with every beer
According to Abel, cat symptoms can also be prevented by accompanying drinking water. Here is the guideline: one glass of water per glass of beer. As a home remedy for hangover salt foods such as salt pretzels or salted peanuts are recommended, which ensure a balanced electrolyte balance. Obviously, not only the amount supplied, but also the quality of the alcoholic beverages may favor the emergence of a "hangover". "So-called fumed alcohols such as propanol and methanol can be found in high-volume cheap reds, brandy and whiskey in particular, and are responsible for the notorious headache and nausea the next morning," Abel explains in the dpa message.

Natural remedies for hangover problems
Ultimately, the realization remains that you can prevent a hangover only by complete abstinence from alcohol completely. "Otherwise, it is important to ensure a sufficient supply of water and electrolyte and not drink the alcohol on an empty stomach, but first to provide a suitable basis for high-fat foods," recommends Abel. Once the hangover has occurred, for example, home remedies for headaches or home remedies for nausea can help with each symptom. In addition to sufficient liquid and fructose, as in fruit or jam, support the alcohol degradation. Last but not least, light exercise in the fresh air also helps. (Ad)