Effective miracle grip to soothe crying babies

Effective miracle grip to soothe crying babies / Health News
Special grip technique soothes crying babies
Screaming babies can make parents desperate. Although most mothers and fathers develop special strategies over time to calm the little ones, there is no generally effective technique - or is it? The US pediatrician Robert Hamilton has posted a video on the online video platform "YouTube" in which he explains a handle that is supposed to reassure crying babies quickly. However, paediatricians warn of potential risks when inexperienced use this grip.

Almost ten million views have the video for the special baby grip of Dr. med. Hamilton already reached on "YouTube". The illustrated method of the US pediatrician from Santa Monica (California) seems surprisingly simple and effective. However, it should be remembered that the specialist has decades of experience in dealing with babies. The hand grips are certainly not as easy to perform for inexperienced parents, as for Dr. med. Hamilton. This can potentially lead to risks for the child. With wrong attitude there is danger of choking. So warns Dr. Hamilton in his explanation that parents have to be careful about the correct use, so as not to deprive the children of the air. With a little practice, however, the remarks of the pediatrician can be implemented relatively easily and the effect seems convincing.

Pediatrician develops special grip technique
As a rule, parents will know quite well in time why their child is crying and how they can help. In case of injuries or pain (for example, after an injection), the little ones are often difficult to calm down. Dr. Hamilton claims to be frequently confronted with such cases, and he has developed a grip he calls "The Hold", which quickly calms down crying babies. In his video, the US pediatrician explains how the grip technique is used and demonstrates the effect on several crying babies in his practice. The effect is clear and surprisingly fast the children calm down.

Crying babies are usually well calmed by physical proximity. (Image: Halfpoint / fotolia.com)

Handle technique in four steps
The baby miracle handle is made according to Dr. Hamilton performed in four steps. First, the baby's arms are carefully folded in front of the chest and gently secured with the right hand. The left hand grasps under the baby's bottom to lift it and the little ones are tilted forward at a 45-degree angle. This is followed by gentle rocking, with the thumb and forefingers of the right hand under the baby's chin. Under no circumstances should pressure be exerted on the neck or the trachea, which is why especially inexperienced parents should perform all movements extremely carefully. The 45 degree forward tilt prevents the kids from tipping over when lifting their heads. According to the US pediatrician, the handle is suitable for children up to the third month of life, as the little ones are then too heavy for the posture.

The pediatrician demonstrates the effect of his grip technique on several children in his practice, but points out that the handle is only suitable for normal crying babies. So-called writing babies are not addressed here. Also, according to Dr. Hamilton does not calm every child with the help of the handle. For example, if the baby is hungry, the technique will help a lot and even with more serious illnesses, the handle will usually not calm down, explains the US pediatrician. It is also important that parents understand the causes of crying in babies and not use the grip to immobilize their children. (Fp)