Effective stress reduction through mental training

Effective stress reduction through mental training / Health News
According to a recent study by the Techniker Krankenkasse, more than every second German states that they feel stressed. Conspicuous: In the middle years between 30 and 39, more than 80 percent suffer from this phenomenon. Among the listed reasons include excessive workload, problems in private life and too many tasks and little time. "In addition, stress is one of the most common causes of health problems such as tension or even back pain," says the licensed stress therapist and mental coach of Just ME GmbH Matthias Vette. "In order to live in a relaxed way in the long term and to minimize health risks, simple mental techniques that everyone can learn quickly already help."

Change angle of view
Who does not know this: Already on the way to work the stress level increases due to a traffic jam. Even if those affected switch to the train, other stressors such as failing trains or noisy passengers quickly add. "Avoiding all stressful situations rarely leads to a long-term improvement in the life situation," stresses Matthias Vette. Instead, sufferers should change their perspective on alleged problems and question why they can be influenced by certain processes at all negatively. For example, if you see the waiting at the train station as a way to read, you will be more relaxed through the day. With such simple behavioral and perceptual changes stress sufferers go a little easier through life.

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Another tip: "If everything goes wrong, call to mind five pleasing things. The number sounds high at first, but that is the purpose of the exercise. If you regularly think about five positive aspects of the situation or the day, six or more will come to mind at some point, "emphasizes the stress therapist.

Change of perspective from home
It often turns out to be cumbersome to change one's behavior and bring more serenity into everyday life. It can be even more stressful and time-consuming when trying to deal with time-consuming therapies or visiting expensive courses of its location. Such measures are not suitable for everyone. Hardly anyone finds time to be expertly advised and accompanied. "Those who are suffering from stress rush from appointment to appointment," says Matthias Vette. He proposes to incorporate smaller exercises in everyday life to avoid overloading. For example, the island method is useful: Take 60 seconds daily to simply inhale and exhale deeply.

Lists help to distinguish the important from the unimportant and to generously cancel non-urgent tasks. It also leads to more serenity in the long run, to counteract hectic situations with humor. More and more people are now using health insurance-supported online offers. Here classic diary formats combine with videos and practical exercises such as those just mentioned to manage stress. The long-term goal of such programs is to relieve stress from the inside with the help of a newly learned perspective, and to strengthen their long-term performance and self-motivation.