Effective muscle training These are the 10 best foods for a healthy and fast muscle

Effective muscle training These are the 10 best foods for a healthy and fast muscle / Health News

The ten best foods for building muscle

Those who exercise regularly can lose muscle mass and reduce fat. However, if you want to shape your figure beautifully, you must also pay attention to your diet. Otherwise, one is indeed a "fat fat man", but not shapely. To achieve this, we need elementary foods in combination. We introduce the most important in this article.

Many foods can help accelerate muscle growth. Great importance is attached to natural protein. Instead of drinking artificial shakes, this can easily be added to food. Minerals and vitamins are also important building blocks. The fitness trainer and nutrition expert Frank Scheidter stood "healing practice" in an interview. Answer:

In addition to a calorie-reduced diet, regular exercise helps to lose weight. It is important to build muscle. Because muscles eat energy. (Image: Tyler Olson / fotolia.com)

1. fish

Fish, especially tuna or salmon, contain a lot of protein. In addition, fish contain valuable antioxidants. These prevent bad diseases like cancer. The protein content is over 21 grams per 100 grams of tuna. "Biological value at a whopping 92", says the expert. This means that the protein is converted directly into muscle. Grill the best tuna steaks. Served with lemon, rosemary, sea salt and pepper.

Training alone is not enough. The diet should be adjusted accordingly. Image: Igor Mojzes - fotolia

2. turkey

Very little fat includes turkey meat. But the turkey is a very good source of animal protein. 100 grams of turkey breast contain 24 grams of the best protein. There is turkey breast in the supermarket at the counter or packed to buy. "I recommend fresh meat that is fried gently with little oil and a few delicious herbs," says Scheidter.

3. Chicken egg

Often misjudged and shunned due to the supposed cholesterol content, eggs are. "There are 100 grams of eggs about 13 grams of pure protein. Doctors recommend not eating more than 1 to 2 eggs per day. "Then nothing goes wrong with the cholesterol level, the expert said.

Turkey breast roast: prepared with care. Image: fineart-collection - fotolia

4. cottage cheese

"Cottage cheese is the hit!", Says the fitness expert. He has very few calories, but at least 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of cottage cheese. "With a dash of olive oil, some herbs, salt and pepper a real treat."

5. Lean quark

Magerquark is no longer a secret. "It makes you full, has few calories, but a lot of protein, amino acids that correspond well with each other." With steamed vegetables or potatoes with chives and spices, the lean quark tastes very good. In the morning with fruits such as bananas, strawberries, apples or raspberries with a little honey.

Magerquark makes you full and strong! Image: Pixelot - fotolia

6. ginger

"What many do not know: ginger should be regularly on the menu," says the fitness expert. "It can be well infused hot as a tea or used as a spice in Asian food." Ginger strengthens the blood circulation in the muscles, supports the lactate degradation and makes you fit for the next training session. Highly recommended as a home remedy for colds.

7. Soy

Soybeans are the best protein source for vegan strength athletes. Soy can be eaten as tofu, for example. A whopping 37.6 percent vegetable protein is contained in soy. There are also soy steaks in specialist shops that can be prepared like meat. The potassium content is also enormous with 1800mg to 100 grams.

8. Pistachios

"Pistachios should be eaten regularly," recommends the sports expert. The potassium content is 1020 mg per 100 grams. "No nut can offer so much." In addition, pistachios are calorie-reduced compared to nuts. This gives the muscles a lot of power to hold on. The protein content is considerable with 20 grams.

9. Watercress

Watercress is the power spice number 1. "It protects against cell damage, contains a lot of iron and can thus increase the training effect. Especially with cottage cheese and skimmed quark a fitting addition. "The customer review has been automatically translated from German.

Salad as a spice: Watercress can be tasted in cottage cheese, cottage cheese or yoghurt. Image: wawritto - fotolia

10. Harz cheese

"Gouda or Butterkäse contain a lot of fat and are therefore in a calorie-conscious diet in combination with sports not recommended in quantities. The Harzer cheese is completely different. "Less than 1 percent are hardly bearable. Some claim that eating even promotes weight loss. Over 30 grams of protein on 100 grams of Harzer scooter.

Do not overdo sports and diet
"But you should not just eat these foods. Fruits and vegetables are indispensable! The right combination makes it. "And how much sport should be done? Every two to three days. The body also needs relaxation, sleep and rest. During this time the muscles grow. Anyone who does not comply with the rest periods risks a so-called overtraining effect. The body then displays flu-like symptoms such as body aches, severe tiredness and dullness. (Sb)