Dark season can quickly lead to vitamin D deficiency

Dark season can quickly lead to vitamin D deficiency / Health News
Bad weather leads to depression for many people
If it is dark in the autumn and cloudy outside, many people are quickly depressed. Especially the elderly, the gray weather is often strong, which can lead to mood swings or even depressive episodes. In this case, senior citizens should have their doctor check for possible vitamin D deficiency.

Seniors often do not get enough sunlight in autumn and winter
Dark clouds, cloudy visibility and cold rain: The weather in autumn and winter beats many people's mind. "From the depression research is known that there is also seasonally dependent depression," said Frieder R. Lang in conversation with the news agency "dpa". This especially affects older people, as they often get too little sunlight in the dark season. "From medical research, we know that the skin absorbs the daylight bad in old age," said the professor of psychogerontology at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on.

Vitamin D deficiency causes mood swings. Image: DDRockstar - Fotolia

No intake of supplements "on your own"
The lack of light can cause vitamin D deficiency, which can trigger symptoms similar to depression. Typical of the so-called "winter depression" are e.g. Chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression, difficulty concentrating and listlessness. Accordingly, in the case of mood swings and tiredness in winter, it is recommended "to be examined by a doctor for vitamin D deficiency," says Professor Frieder R. Lang.
If there is actually a deficiency, it is advisable to consult with the doctor about the necessary further steps - the intake of supplements "on your own", however, should urgently be avoided, warns the expert. Because it is still "unclear what consequences an overdose has."

Lavender and bergamot as natural home remedies for winter depression
In some cases, e.g. a light therapy may be useful to compensate for the lack of light. Another effective home remedy for winter depression is a St. John's wort tea, alternatively, pharmacies offer a range of ready-to-use St. John's wort preparations, e.g. Fresh juice or tablets on. Also a flavoring oil e.g. In the bath water can have a positive effect on the mind. Especially lavender has proven itself here, in addition, e.g. Bergamot, verbena or rosewood have a very beneficial effect.

Since vitamin D can be produced by sunlight from the body itself, a few days' holiday in more southern countries can help to lighten the mood. "Many benefit from this when they fill up some light in February or early March," says Prof. Lang. (No)