Dark prognosis Low vision Half of the world's population will be short-sighted by about 2050

Dark prognosis Low vision Half of the world's population will be short-sighted by about 2050 / Health News
More and more people have to wear glasses or contact lenses due to myopia. Experts warn against a massive increase in those affected and expect that in 35 years, every second will be short-sighted. In order to treat the refractive error early and thereby be able to prevent severe restrictions in vision, especially regular examinations are necessary.
More and more under-30s need glasses
More than 40 million people wear glasses in Germany, according to the "2014 Eyewear Survey" of the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy. This is equivalent to almost two-thirds of all adults, with the proportion among 20-29 year olds more than doubling in the last 60 years. Also contact lenses are therefore increasingly used. In many cases, a short-sightedness is the reason for the visual aid, because in this case, the sight into the distance is difficult. While near objects are recognized without any problems, nearsighted people see distant objects indistinct and blurry.

Eye examination: Half of all Germans have problems seeing. Image: Robert Przybysz - fotolia

One billion should be almost blind in 2050
Looking at the global evolution of this form of ametropia, a massive increase in those affected over the last few years is evident. While just under 23 percent of the world's population was short-sighted in 2000 (1.4 billion people), ten years later, the proportion rose to 28.3 percent (1.9 million). And that seems to be only the beginning, because as a new study shows, it is to be expected that in 35 years, every second person in the world is short-sighted. According to the authors of the study, researchers from the Brien Holden Vision Institute, the University of New South Wales Australia and the Eye Research Institute in Singapore in the journal "Ophtalmology" report that one billion could be almost blind in 2050..

According to the authors, the reasons for the worldwide increase in the number of people with poor eyesight are both environmental factors and drastic changes in living conditions. Because there is less and less time spent outdoors, instead, more and more "near-activities" take place such as. hours of work on the screen. Even a genetic predisposition seems to play a role, but can not explain the temporal trends, the scientists add in their article.

Young people in East Asia most affected
The researchers had examined a total of 145 studies since 1995 for their study, extrapolating the data for individual countries with forecasts by the UN on population trends. It has been shown that the proportion of nearsighted people is highest in young people in East Asia, where the prevalence of myopia is more than two times higher than among peers in other parts of the world. This could be a possible cause in the so-called "high-pressure education systems" in countries such as Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and China, where even very young children are more likely to have electronic devices "on their nose".

Children should be examined once a year
In order to protect the eyesight of the children, the researchers must be ensured, above all, a corresponding medical care. "We also need to make sure that our children undergo regular eye exams, preferably annually, so that preventive measures can be taken in case of danger," says study author Professor Kovin Naidoo, of the Brien Holden Vision Institute, in a statement.

According to the expert, these measures would in particular involve more extensive outdoor activities and reduced time with electronic devices such as mobile phones or tablets, which are held close to the face and thus put a heavy strain on the eyes. "In addition, there are other options, such as special lenses, contact lenses and drug interventions, but more investment in research is needed to improve effectiveness and access," added Professor Kovin Naidoo. (No)