Dark Season That helps against winter depression!

Dark Season That helps against winter depression! / Health News

So get a grip on winter depression

Dull weather and rainy autumn afternoons are a major factor in the mood of many people. Many develop Seasonal Dependent Depression (SAD) in the dark season, which is colloquially referred to as winter depression. Health experts explain what can help against it.

Dark and cold seasons leave traces

The short days, which ensure that it is still dark on the way to work in the morning and on the way home again, as well as the cold weather are only the least without a trace. Many people develop Seasonally Dependent Depression (SAD) in the dark season, which is also known as winter depression. Health experts recommend that people do not confuse themselves at home. Among other things, exercise and healthy nutrition can help.

In the dark season, cold, gray days make many people tired and impotent. Against the winter depression, it helps to move and nourish healthy. (Image: kichigin19 / fotolia.com)

Do not interfere at home

In winter depression, in addition to the classic symptoms of depression, "atypical symptoms such as cravings instead of loss of appetite and increased sleep instead of falling asleep and staying asleep", explains the foundation Deutsche Depression Aid on its website.

According to the Barmer, the illness is also noticeable through listlessness, nervousness, tension or sad thoughts.

The health insurance advises the estimated 800,000 sufferers in Germany, not at home zuigeln.

"Those who feel that they are suffering from winter depression should not remain inactive and wait for spring," says Andrea Jakob-Pannier, psychologist at Barmer.

"Anyone can use simple activities such as walking to help his or her happiness hormone serotonin to increase its well-being," said the expert in a statement.

Actively doing good

According to the data, the hormones serotonin and melatonin play a key role in the development of seasonal depression.

According to Jakob-Pannier, in the dark months the body forms larger amounts of the sleep hormone melatonin, while at the same time reducing the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, which causes a positive mood.

"Because natural light is scarce in winter, one should look for the opportunity as often as possible to let it sink in," explains the psychologist.

A walk at lunchtime is as recommendable as a bike ride. In addition, physical activity and exercise made for a better mood, because they positively influenced the brain metabolism.

Sensual experiences such as a fragrant bath or a massage could lift the mood.

Sufficient hydration and healthy food

Other tips or home remedies for winter depression: Be sure to ensure adequate fluid intake. Because in addition to sport and light, water also helps to reduce symptoms such as tiredness and lack of motivation.

The food also plays an important role in how fit or tired people feel. Local vegetables like cabbage and co can help keep you fit in winter. In general, the diet should not contain too much fat.

In addition, alternating showers are recommended to boost the circulation. (Ad)