Dramatic appeal to the US Do not cut funding in the fight against HIV

Dramatic appeal to the US Do not cut funding in the fight against HIV / Health News
Experts Meeting: Demanding sufficient funding in the fight against HIV
Although enormous progress has been made in the fight against HIV in recent years, the world community can not rest on it. At an international conference, scientists have now made a drastic appeal to the US and other donors and called for sufficient funding in the fight against the AIDS pathogen.

Fight against HIV must go on
Almost 37 million people worldwide currently live with the AIDS virus HIV. The United Nations has agreed last year on an ambitious plan: the global AIDS epidemic should be completed by 2030. Already the year before, the UN had announced a turnaround and announced that around 40 percent fewer HIV death victims were to be lamented worldwide. But there are still new infections. The fight against HIV must continue. This requires sufficient financial resources.

Without research, the global HIV epidemic can not be defeated. Experts have therefore now called for sufficient funding in the fight against the AIDS pathogen. (Image: nito / fotolia.com)

Financial cuts cost lives
In Paris, an international conference on the fight against AIDS has begun with a dramatic appeal to the US and other donors.

According to news agency APA, International Aids Society (IAS) President Linda-Gail Bekker said the "draconian" budget cuts announced by US President Donald Trump would cost lives.

According to the information, the US is the largest donor in the world.

Until Wednesday, more than 6,000 scientists in the French capital will discuss advances in the fight against immunodeficiency syndrome.

Sufficient funding required
The HIV epidemic can not be defeated without research. According to HIV researchers in Paris, scientific evidence over the past 30 years has been the basis for the fight against the HIV virus that causes the AIDS immunodeficiency syndrome.

The Paris Declaration requires sufficient funding.

The experts write: "Without a determined commitment to research, we can not meet the ambitious international goals of providing lifelong treatment for the 37 million people living with HIV and curbing the epidemic."

Research is well advanced
Research has indeed progressed well over the past decades. Maybe in the future, the cure of AIDS could be possible, my experts.

Only a few weeks ago, scientists from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (USA) in the journal "Molecular Therapy" reported that they had achieved a major breakthrough in the treatment of HIV.

They were able to isolate the virus from infected cells in experiments by using state-of-the-art so-called genetic editing technology.

And also in prevention research has come a long way. So it was possible to develop a drug that can reduce the number of new HIV infections in men massively. The AIDS prevention tool will in future also be authorized in the EU.

Number of deaths has been halved
According to the APA, the United Nations (UN) had announced prior to the meeting that they saw progress in the fight against HIV.

According to UN figures, more than half of the world's 36.7 million HIV-infected people are being treated with antiretroviral medicines for the first time, which is damaging the pathogen.

Another positive message: The number of deaths has halved since 2005 to now one million a year. (Ad)