Dramatic herpesvirus infection baby dies after only a few weeks of life

Dramatic herpesvirus infection baby dies after only a few weeks of life / Health News

Father warns about his daughter's death: parents should wash their hands

The little Mallory from the USA was only a few weeks old. The girl, who was born healthy, had been infected with herpes viruses a few days after birth and did not survive the infection. Her father now urges parents to wash their hands before they touch their baby.

Mallory did not even get a month old

When the daughter of Jeff Gobers was born in Phoenix, Arizona, she was a healthy baby. But just a week later, little Mallory suffered a devastating herpes infection. Her parents were then forced to spend the next two weeks seeing her little angel die, according to the British newspaper Mirror. Now the father has decided to educate other parents of newborns about the death of his daughter in order to prevent similar tragedies.

In the US a few weeks old baby has died after an infection with herpesviruses. The father warns: Before you touch a newborn, you should definitely wash your hands. (Image: Photographee.eu/fotolia.com)

Two out of three people are infected with herpesviruses

According to health experts, two out of three people are infected with herpesviruses, the majority does not even notice.

The viruses are often active only by certain influences such as stress or strong sunlight and cause, among other things, herpes in the mouth.

For some people special care is needed. Adult cold sores should be very careful when in contact with small children. Because even a kiss from them can end up deadly for babies, as an older case from the USA showed.

It was too late for the drug treatment

How the little Mallory from Phoenix got infected is not clear. According to her father, she had no contact with people who saw cold sores. In addition, she was kissed by anyone on the mouth.

Nevertheless, she caught the herpes simplex virus-1. Jeff Gobers says it may have something to do with his daughter keeping her hands in her mouth and eyes, constantly sucking her fingers and catching the virus.

She had no symptoms beyond high fever during most of the first week, and when the blisters appeared it was probably too late for the antiviral drugs.

Highly contagious virus

The herpes simplex virus-1 is a highly contagious virus that causes cold sores and genital ulcers.

According to the information, the virus is very common. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 67 percent of all people on Earth are infected.

But most people who get infected with it never show symptoms and probably do not know they are infected. Therefore, cold sores are often transmitted unnoticed.

This can be extremely dangerous especially for babies, especially those with an underdeveloped immune system.

Father is addressed to the public

Jeff Gobers has therefore posted in a Facebook post to the public and warns about the dangers of the virus.

"It is possible to infect even without active cold sores," writes the father. "If you have a new baby or are in the presence of a baby, wash your hands. Very often."

And, "If anyone wants to hold your baby, make sure he washes his hands first. Then let him do it again. "

Treat herpes as early as possible

If the infection is known, adults will be advised by health care professionals to treat cold sores as early as possible. But what helps against herpes?

In normal course, drugs are often used to inhibit the virus multiplication. The infection does not always have to be treated with antiviral drugs.

Sometimes, home remedies for herpes, such as manuka honey or tea tree oil. From the herpes outbreak to the healing can take up to two weeks. (Ad)