Dramatic development More and more people in need of care are becoming social issues

Dramatic development More and more people in need of care are becoming social issues / Health News
Left: More and more people in need of care become a social case
As society ages, so does the number of people in need of care. This is not only a great effort for the nurses but also associated with high costs. Not all people are so well off financially. In Saxony, this means that more and more people in need of care become social welfare.

Care is a big burden
Recently, the Federal Statistical Office announced that life expectancy in Germany has increased dramatically in recent years. With aging society, the number of those in need of care also increases. Care in this country is mostly a matter for women and psychologically a heavy burden, health experts report. In addition, the majority of family caregivers work. This parallel burden is difficult for many to handle, which is why it is said professionals to prevent social disadvantages by caring for family members. The Pflegereform, which brought some changes already from January 2016, should indeed lead to significant improvements for those in need of care and nursing, but obviously the innovations are far from sufficient. Affected and their families often can not afford the money for the care.

In Germany, more and more people are in need of care. Many can not raise the money and become a social case. (Image: Peter Maszlen / fotolia.com)

More people in need of care in Saxony become a social case
According to the news agency dpa, more and more people in need of care in Saxony become a social event. The Zwickau Member of Parliament Sabine Zimmermann (left) explained that the increased use of social assistance to finance care services make it clear that the long-term care insurance as part of the cost principle increasingly no longer work. The victims and their families could no longer bear the costs. It is to be feared that this trend will continue to increase with the expected increase in low-income older people and increased poverty among older people. According to the politician, the number of beneficiaries of assistance to care in the Free State increased from 13,470 in 2005 to 17,243 in 2014. Affected were 10,210 women and 7,033 men. According to the information, net payments for this service increased from around € 51.1 million to € 66.4 million over the same period. The labor market spokeswoman for the Left in the Bundestag invoked figures from the State Statistical Office.

"Long-term care insurance must be rebuilt"
"The long-term care insurance must be rebuilt, away from the subsidy principle to full insurance. The services must be geared to individual needs. Care must not be dependent on the purse, "said Zimmermann. However, the funding base must be broadened to this effect: "Contributions must be paid by all, including those who are privately insured, and also to other forms of income, such as investment income. Good care needs a solidary financing, "said the member of parliament. (Ad)