Dramatic development 15 percent of toddlers already have tooth decay

Dramatic development 15 percent of toddlers already have tooth decay / Health News
Oral hygiene: Early childhood caries increases more and more
Health experts have been pointing out for years that tooth decay is increasing in infants. In Germany, 15 percent of under-three-year-olds are now affected. Dentists explain how to strengthen the health of milk teeth.

How important are baby teeth for the development of a child
Proper dental hygiene is the best protection against tooth decay and other dental problems. Milk teeth already need a lot of care. Unfortunately, it is still underestimated how important this is for the healthy development of a child. Among other things, healthy milk teeth decide whether a child grows age-appropriate, whether it learns to speak correctly, and whether it experiences exclusion due to its appearance, the Federal Dental Association states in a Communication on the Day of Dental Health 2017.

Across Germany, among children under the age of three, 15 percent are affected by tooth decay. Experts explain how to make milk teeth strong. (Image: SergeyCash / fotolia.com)

Sugary drinks damage your teeth
"It is a sad fact that in Germany among the under-three-year-old children already 15 percent are affected by tooth decay," said Prof. Dr. med. Dietmar Oesterreich, Vice President of the Federal Dental Association.

He added, "Early childhood caries affects all sections of the population, but especially families in difficult social situations."

Especially sugary drinks damage your teeth.

"Causes of infant caries are excessive drinking of sugary and acidic beverages, e.g. from nipple bottles in combination with too little oral hygiene in early childhood. To be able to change that, we need interdisciplinary concepts, "said Oesterreich.

Early childhood tooth decay is widespread
Dr. Michael Kleinebrinker, Head of Unit at the GKV-Spitzenverband, agreed: "Unfortunately, infantile caries is still an issue among preschool children."

He explained that the statutory health insurance "for an early and systematic dental care from the breakthrough of the first deciduous tooth strong," make, so that the deciduous deciduous teeth is not a permanent problem.

"The legal requirement to start the early-stage dental examinations in the SHI much sooner than it does today is therefore welcomed," said Kleinebrinker.

So milk teeth are made strong
Prof. Dr. Christian H. Splieth, Head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry & Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Greifswald, explained what makes milk teeth strong:

"The fluoride content of children's toothpaste is low in Germany compared to many other countries. That should change. "

And further: "In addition, we need a group prophylaxis that reaches even the youngest with daily brushing - and finally prophylactic benefits from the first tooth, which are reimbursed in the standard dental care."

"Only if we do the same thing with the deciduous teeth as with the permanent teeth, many extractions can be avoided in small children," said Splieth.

Day of dental health
Nutrition also plays an important role in preventing tooth decay. So the very little ones should get as no sugary drinks as sweetened tea or fruit juice.

Milk also damages the milk teeth when it is constantly in the mouth.

It also strengthens the health of deciduous teeth by continuously informing children, parents, educators and others who can influence the health of deciduous teeth about topics such as dental care or check-ups.

The Day of Dental Health on 25th September under the motto "Healthy starts in the mouth - Together for strong milk teeth", should contribute to this. (Ad)