Dramatic toddler dies at dentist treatment

Dramatic toddler dies at dentist treatment / Health News
A little girl in America has paid for the visit of a dentist with death
Dental treatment complications have now caused a 14-month-old girl to die in the United States. Anesthetics for the treatment of dental caries in a dental practice had created serious problems that ultimately led to the girl's death.

There are certainly complications from time to time with dental treatments, but rarely comes the visit to the dentist deadly. A little girl died in Texas because of problems with anesthetics. The 14-month-old Daisy Lynn Torres was supposed to receive only a routine treatment for tooth decay.

A visit to a dentist is usually not necessarily pleasant. In the United States, a 14-month-old girl died now because of complications in her dental treatment. (Image: vadymvdrobot / fotolia.com)

Dangerous incident with dental crown treatment
After about half of the dental crown treatment had ended without any problems, a serious incident occurred. The mother was informed that a complication had occurred and an ambulance was requested to take her daughter to the hospital, reports the journal "PEOPLE".

A few hours after the visit to the dentist, the little girl died
Only hours later, Daisy Lynn was pronounced dead. Of course, the child's family reacted shocked and confused. The dental office staff had previously assured the mother that anesthesia was normal and safe in young patients. The cause of death of the little girl was first classified as "indefinite".

Staff of the dental office are shocked and grieve for the little girl
The affected dental practice published a statement that all employees were shocked and sad about the tragedy. We hope that the medical examination of the incident of the family helps to process the incident better, it says in the statement. We understand that death has been classified as "indeterminate" because of complications in anesthesia and not in dental treatment itself. It is known that anesthesia involves certain risks. However, the loss of a child is particularly tragic, explain the leaders in the statement.

Anesthetist spoke of a routine treatment
I talked to the responsible anesthesiologist about possible risks before administering the drug. The specialist told me that the procedure would be completed quickly and that I would see my child again in a short time, mother Betty Squier told the journal "PEOPLE". The mother's last words to her child were that she would soon be back for her child. Tragically, the child died only hours later.

Pay close attention to the oral hygiene of your child and inform yourself about the type of tooth
Since then, the mother has called on other parents to pay particular attention to the dental hygiene of their children. So cavities and tooth decay could be prevented. In addition, parents should inform themselves about treating dentists and anesthesiologists. Inquire carefully about your dentist and get yourself several different opinions, explained the mother in "PEOPLE".

The treatment of small children is usually difficult
Anesthesia should be avoided if possible, unless it is the safest way and is absolutely necessary. The main reason why young children get such an anesthesia is that little children move a lot in the dentist's chair. If the dentist then holds a pointed object in his hand, a moving child may hit his hand and cause serious injury, explains Drs. Robert Delarosa, President of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, told PEOPLE. (As)