Dr. Stephan Ziegler remove wisdom teeth? Yes or no?

Dr. Stephan Ziegler remove wisdom teeth? Yes or no? / Health News

Dr. Stephan Ziegler, chief dentist and founder of the KU64 dental practice from Berlin, gives answers.

When do wisdom teeth have to be pulled in your view and why? When can they be preserved?
"Nowadays, wisdom teeth no longer have to be removed. The decision for or against surgery depends on several factors. If the so-called eights do not break through and remain in the jaw without consequences for the remaining teeth, there is no need to remove them. If an imminent breakthrough can be recognized on the X-ray image, we first assess the available space and the direction of growth. Because: with small pines or obliquely growing wisdom teeth there is the risk that the latecomers exert pressure on the adjacent molars and move the entire row of teeth. In these cases, it is recommended to take them out. If the conditions are right, nothing speaks against the breakthrough. However, this should be done under regular medical supervision.

Image: Christoph Hähnel - fotolia

Because in some cases, only a part of the wisdom tooth reaches the surface and it does not break completely. This forms easily hooded gingival pockets, in which it quickly comes to an unnoticed bacterial colonization. Painful, permanent inflammatory foci are the result. As a rule of thumb, if the eights do not break completely within a year or two, dentists should remove them surgically. Wisdom tooth surgeries are usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. In particularly anxious patients, the procedure can also be performed under general anesthesia. "

Do wisdom teeth have a specific purpose? Which?
"Wisdom teeth are remnants of the early history of mankind, which, however, no longer have an essential function today. Break them without complications and fit well into the existing tooth chain, but they can still serve us. For example, as a replacement tooth, if a molar is lost, or supporting pillar for possibly necessary dentures such as bridges. "

Is it true that the pine has become increasingly narrower in the course of evolution??
"Evolution is a progressive process in which human forms adapt to changing functions. Due to the ever smaller and softer processed food today's society does not have to chew as much as before. As a result, the jaw is permanently lacking the necessary growth stimuli and it is gradually shrinking. Compared to our Stone Age ancestors, it now has a much smaller shape and thus does not provide enough space for genetically-engineered teeth in many cases. "

Is there any specific information about how many Germans live without their wisdom teeth?
"In Germany over one million surgical wisdom tooth distances take place annually. This surgery is one of the most common outpatient operations in dentistry in Germany. "