Dr. Oetker calls mousse au chocolat from the market

Dr. Oetker calls mousse au chocolat from the market / Health News

Danger for allergic persons due to egg white in dessert powder


The food manufacturer Dr. Oetker is currently recalling his "Mousse au Chocolat Classic" dessert powder. As the company communicates on its website, containing the product „due to a production error, chicken egg white not belonging to the recipe and thus not marked on the package“. This could in the case of a chicken egg allergy too „corresponding reactions“ such as nausea and vomiting or diarrhea, the company continues. On the other hand, there is no danger for persons without chicken egg intolerance.

Consumers may return affected products for reimbursement of the purchase price
The well-known food company „Dr. Oetker“ from Bielefeld has started a recall of the dessert powder "Mousse au Chocolat classic" after a complaint. Affected are according to Dr. Oetker the batches 05.16 L308 to L311 and 05.16 L314 to L316. Consumers can quickly check their already purchased products by the lot number that is on the carton cover next to the best before date. Anyone who has purchased an affected article, this could according to the Group in the business in return for reimbursement of the purchase price.

Gingivitis and rash after egg consumption
Chicken egg allergy is a food allergy that is primarily caused by egg-containing allergens such as ovomucoid, lysozyme or ovotransferrin. It is one of the most common food allergies, which is particularly relevant in infants and young children and can cause severe reactions. Typical symptoms are e.g. burning of the tongue and pharynx, gingivitis, aphthae, bloating, diarrhea, itchy rash and runny nose. In severe cases, it can even lead to an allergic (anaphylactic) shock, which affects the entire body and can lead to circulatory failure and death. (Ag)