Douglas callback of black-red-gold make-up

Douglas callback of black-red-gold make-up / Health News

Douglas recalls dangerous World Cup make-up


In black-red-golden Fanschminke again dangerous dye has been found. Already at the beginning of the month, some department stores had taken similar make-up sticks from the market. Now the cosmetics company Douglas WM-make-up is back.

Return Fanschminke to the nearest branch
Again dangerous dye has been found in black-red-golden Fanschminke. After some make-up shops had already taken off similar make-up sticks at the beginning of the month, the cosmetics company Douglas, headquartered in Hagen, now also retreats WM-Schminke. On Tuesday, the company announced that consumers have the product „fan make“ with batch number C083CNFS in the nearest store.

Forbidden substance may be carcinogenic
It is said that in the red color of the pen a forbidden dye, so-called paint red, was found. According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of the Environment, this substance has been banned since 1993 and is suspected of causing cancer. The Consumer Protection Ministry in Baden-Württemberg had already found the same dye in similar products at Woolworth, Kik, Karstadt and Allerlei. As a result, the NRW Ministry of the Environment caused the make-up to be withdrawn from circulation. Further evaluations would have revealed that even Douglas distribute contaminated Fanschminke, so the Ministry. A spokesman for the Ministry of the Environment announced, according to a dpa report: „We continue to research whether the dye is still in products of other suppliers.“

Prevent skin problems with facial creams
After it was announced that banned, hazardous substances were found in World Cup make-up, consumer advocates and physicians had given various tips for those fans who want to paint national colors on the body. Accordingly, quality products should be used on which the ingredients are clearly indicated. In addition, conventional or theatrical make-up could be used instead of the special fan make-up. In order to prevent and avoid possible skin problems, it is advisable to apply well-tolerated face creams just a few hours before the World Cup make-up. (Ad)

Image: Timo Klostermeier