dothiv supports the fight against AIDS

dothiv supports the fight against AIDS / Health News

New ending „.hiv“ should support the fight against AIDS


So far Internet users have been used to Internet sites with endings such as „.de“, „.com“ or „.net“ driving. But since this week, companies and organizations can also access the domains of their websites „.hiv“ end and thus one „digital red ribbon“ carry. Through the project wants the social initiative „dotHIV“ achieve that the fight against AIDS is carried on the Internet.

Businesses can now access their web address as well „.hiv“ end
Besides the common domain extensions like „.de“ or „.org“ Since 26th August, companies and organizations have been able to use the abbreviation for their web address „.hiv“ end. The new addresses are awarded worldwide by the Berlin Initiative „dotHIV“, a social enterprise, which according to own data of the dotHIV nonprofit e.V. and the TLD dotHIV Registry GmbH is carried. With its project, the initiative pursues a clear goal: the fight against the immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS using the Internet. On the one hand for each click on a page with „.hiv“-Ending 0.1 cents donated to aid projects, also the fees for the new addresses (from 13 € per month) should be forwarded directly to aid organizations.

Internet users can support projects in two ways
Thus, the Internet user can support the fight against AIDS in two ways. On the one hand by securing its own .hiv extension, for which monthly fees are paid, but by clicking on another site with the appropriate address. So who, for example, the address „“ can enter the online magazine of the German AIDS Help, but at the same time the click also causes dotHIV to make a donation to relief organizations. „Imagine, you use .hiv as you also use .com. Every time you visit a website with .hiv, for example, to buy a movie ticket on or to shop on, a small donation will be forwarded to HIV and AIDS projects“, said Carolin Silbernagl, co-founder of dotHIV and managing director of the TLD dotHIV Registry GmbH.

Companies can use .hiv „a digital red ribbon“ carry
„Companies and organizations around the world can use .hiv to wear a digital red ribbon symbolizing solidarity and helping people with HIV“, writes the initiative in a recent press release. This week's first .hiv websites, including, for example, the Alicia Keys HIV-Charity website, were the start „Keep a child alive“ and the German Aidshilfe, which is now also under „“ is reachable. In addition, according to dotHIV many other major brands such. Amazon, instagram and Linkedin already secured an address at the initiative.

initiative „We-ACTx for Hope“ in Rwanda as a pilot project
According to the association, the first major donation project is the initiative „We-ACTx for Hope“, an organization that cares for the care of HIV-infected children and women in Rwanda. According to dotHIV, this work should be supported by donations through the first 61,801,000 clicks, which at 0.1 US cents per click corresponds to a sum of 61,801 euros. After Rwanda would support projects in the US, Turkey and South Africa, in the future, organizations from around the world could apply for dotHIV to promote, also the Internet community on to determine who gets the money.

Since the beginning of 2014 about 1000 new mailings in the network
The allocation of so-called „Top level domains“ (TLD) is coordinated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which has allowed only a few new endings since the introduction of .com and .de domains. In June 2008, however, the requirements were relaxed, which means that every conceivable term can be registered in principle, provided that it does not violate the principles of ICANN or is too similar to another domain. As a result, according to dotHIV since the beginning of 2014 about 1000 new end-of-the-line mailings are present in the network, the ending .hiv is unique, as no other social concern would occupy its own domain ending. „Starting today we will be using other TLDs as .com and org. occur. It will now be possible to click on .hiv addresses such as, and to make a difference in the fight against AIDS“, Carolin Silbernagl continues.

Picture: Rike