Down syndrome mother published a letter to the doctor who wanted to abort her child

Down syndrome mother published a letter to the doctor who wanted to abort her child / Health News
Mother writes letter to doctor who wanted to abort daughter because of Down syndrome
When the US-American Courtney Baker was pregnant, a doctor advised her to have an abortion, as it was clear that her child with Down syndrome would be born. She decided on her baby anyway - and now told the doctor why her decision was the right one.

Fear of trisomy 21 is widespread
Although smiling children with Down's syndrome (trisomy 21) on posters and in commercials are often a popular figure when it comes to disability. On the other hand, the fear of trisomy is great, although experts repeatedly point out that children with Down's syndrome are not sick but only slower. According to experts, nine out of ten women abort when diagnosed with trisomy 21 before birth. Courtney Baker of Florida was also recommended by her doctor for abortion during her pregnancy. She expected a "downie". The American, however, chose the child and now wrote the doctor a letter in which she explained how happy she is with her daughter Emersyn Faith.

A doctor in the US advised a pregnant woman to have an abortion because it was clear that her child with Down's syndrome would be born. The woman decided on her baby and wrote a letter to the physician. (Image: denys_kuvaiev /

Doctor advised pregnant woman to abortion
Emersyn is now 15 months old. As it says on the Internet portal "Mashable", her mother has written a letter to the doctor, which has already been shared on the network several thousand times. The woman writes about the time of her pregnancy, in which she was anxious about her unborn child to the specialist in prenatal medicine. However, he had not supported and encouraged her, but advised her to have an abortion. According to the information, he is said to have repeatedly repeated the advice and warned the expectant mother of a supposedly reduced quality of life with a child with Down's syndrome.

Your child is "perfect"
However, after the birth of her daughter, Courtney Baker discovered that the little one is a great asset to her life. The mother regards her life as happy and her child as perfect. None of what the physician had predicted was correct. "Emersyn not only enriches my life, it also touches the hearts of thousands of others," Baker told the news site ABC News. In her letter, the woman writes that she is saddened by the thought of those expectant mothers whom the doctor will treat in a similar way: "I find it sad that it does not seem to touch you, all the little fingers, toes, eyes and ears every day. I think it's sad that you were so wrong. But most of all, I find it sad that you will never have the honor to meet my daughter. ".

"Because you never told me the truth"
"The hardest time in my life was almost unbearable because you never told me the truth. My child is perfect, "says Baker. "I'm not angry. I am not bitter. I'm really just sad. "The mother wanted the letter not only to show the doctor how enriching her daughter's life is, but above all to ask him to tell the truth to all expectant mothers whose children have a disability, namely that the child is perfect the way it is. The fact that parents whose children are born with trisomy 21 should not be afraid has been suggested by adults with Down syndrome to pregnant women years ago in an impressive video. (Ad)