dm drug brand Recall due to bacteria Balea cream soap buttermilk and lemon balea cream soap buttermilk

The trademark "dm" retrieves "Balea Cream Soap Buttermilk & Lemon 500 ml Balea Cream Soap Buttermilk & Lemon 500 ml" from the trade. According to the manufacturer, an "increased number of germs could lead to health problems. The recall was precautionary, however. In isolated cases, the bacterium "Enterobacter gergoviae" has been detected. Existing injuries could cause inflammation. Consumers may return the product for reimbursement of the purchase price in all dm shops.

As a precaution dm-drogerie markt recalls the article "Balea Cream Buttermilk & Lemon 500 ml". Only the goods of the lots 637541 and 637542 with the expiration date (MHD) 06.2019 are affected. This information can be easily recognized on the bottom of the bottle. The refill packs of "Balea Cream Buttermilk & Lemon 500 ml" are not affected.
Reason for the warning and the recall: Due to occasional consumer complaints and subsequent review by the manufacturer of the product is to be assumed that contamination of individual bottles with Enterobacter gergoviae. With regular contact, this can lead to an infection with this germ, for example, in existing skin injuries.
Our customers are requested not to use the product with the above mentioned lot number and the BBD and to return it to the DM markets or to dispose of it. The purchase price will of course be refunded.
The quality of our products is our highest priority. We regret the incident and apologize to all customers for the inconvenience. (Sb / pm)