The KKH alliance wants to abolish additional contribution

The KKH alliance wants to abolish additional contribution / Health News

The health insurance KKH alliance wants to abolish the additional contribution in the coming year 2012 again


The statutory health insurance KKH alliance wants to abolish the additional contribution from March next year. Surpluses in the cash budget have led to this decision of the board.

The KKH alliance currently requires a monthly additional contribution of eight euros per insured insurance member. The lump sum has been raised since March 2010 to revise the significant budget deficit. The allocations from the health fund could no longer fully cover the expenditure side. According to the CEO Ingo Kailuweit wants the cash now cancel the additional contribution to the first March 2012 again. A budget prepared for next year in this context will be presented to the relevant committee of the Board of Directors at the end of November for the Board of Directors. Only then will the final decision on the abolition of the additional contribution be made. In addition, the Federal Insurance Office must also give its approval as the supreme treasury supervisory authority.

Additional contributions are unpopular with insured persons and health insurances
The additional contributions are with the health insurance companies are extremely unpopular. In any case, as long as a majority of the coffers waives the additional obolus. If a fund raises such an additional amount, then insured persons can make use of their special right of termination and change. This right was claimed by around 190,000 members of the KKH alliance and turned their backs on the fund. Before the introduction in 2010, the fund had a membership of 2.05 million insured (2010). At the end of the year, it was around nine percent less (1.86 million). Especially young and healthy members changed, so that the loss for the box office was painful.

Financial surplus in the current financial year
The financial surpluses from 2011 have led to the decision to abolish the additional contribution, said Kailiweit. The fund has a financial surplus of expected 140 million euros to show. For the coming year wants the KKH alliance „more power at an even cheaper price“ to offer. Thus, the health insurance on the cash register „score points in the competition next year“. In addition to the KKH alliance, DAK Gesundheit, which is merging at the end of the year, also plans to abolish the additional contribution. Again, the DAK was able to renovate their household. Experts agree, however, that in a few years almost nationwide additional contributions to the statutory health insurance will be charged. The additional source of income is desired by the legislature. (Sb)

Read about:
Health insurance additional contributions in 2012 the exception
False message about merger of the TK and KKH alliance
Health system: wave of mergers of health insurance companies
Health insurance companies do not expect a deficit for 2011
Additional contributions: A reason to change

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt