The combination of breast milk and probiotics protects babies from cancer

The combination of breast milk and probiotics protects babies from cancer / Health News

Breast milk helps to maintain healthy microbes in our intestines

Taking a dietary supplement with probiotics can improve the intestinal health of humans. However, the positive effects of colonization by the good microbes are often short lived. Researchers found that breast milk could help maintain these colonies in the long run.

Scientists at the University of California, Davis found in their current research that breast milk appears to help maintain the benefits to the health of the gut of probiotic supplements over a longer period of time. The experts published the results of their study in the English language journal "mSphere".

A combination of breast milk and a supplement with probiotics improves the intestinal health of babies and even protects them against various diseases. (Image: JenkoAtaman /

What happens when children consume mother's milk and probiotics??

If babies are breast-fed and then take probiotics that consume human milk for three weeks, colonies of these beneficial intestinal microbes will still be present 30 days after the end of the probiotic treatment. The results of the study show for the first time that a combination of breast milk and a probiotic organism can lead to permanent changes in the intestinal microbiome, say the authors.

Healthy organisms stay longer

"Although we stopped giving the probiotic after 28 days, the particular organisms we administered remained in the feces community for 60 days and even longer," explains study leader Drs. Mark Underwood in a press release from the American Society for Microbiology. The healthy microbes have survived and dominated, this has never been seen before.

Researchers are studying 66 breastfeeding mothers in their study

For their study, the doctors examined a total of 66 breastfeeding mothers. These were divided into different groups, with 34 mothers providing their newborns with a probiotic supplement for three weeks. This was called: Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis EVC001. The mothers in the other group did not administer probiotics. The researchers analyzed stool samples during the first 60 days of neonatal life. These showed clear differences.

The colonies decrease when the child is no longer breastfed

Genetic sequencing, PCR analysis and mass spectrometry revealed larger populations of B. infantis that improved intestinal health in probiotics supplemented infants. These colonies persisted for at least 30 days after the end of the addition of the dietary supplement. This suggests that these changes were permanent, the scientists speculate. They hypothesize that the colonies will decrease as soon as the child is no longer breastfed.

B. Infantis uses sugar molecules in breast milk better than any other intestinal microbe

B. infantis seems to combine well with the sugar in breast milk to affect the intestinal microbiota. B. Infantis is a really effective consumer of milk oligosaccharides. B. Infantis can make better use of sugar molecules in breast milk than any other gut microbe, say the experts. The results of the study showed that infants supplemented with probiotics had lower levels of milk oligosaccharides in their feces. This means that larger amounts of B. infantis milk oligosaccharides have been consumed.

Disturbances of the microbiota increase the risk of disease

Disruption of the microbiota, especially early in life, can increase the risk of many diseases inside and outside the intestine, including diabetes, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, and some cancers, says author. Underwood. If physicians find ways to colonize the gut of children with the beneficial bacteria, this could reduce life-long health risks.

Further research is needed

There were also some other differences. Stool samples from infants who received the supplement had a lower number of potential pathogens and higher lactate and acetate levels, which are beneficial products of B. infantis fermentation of human milk sugars, the researchers explain. If it were possible to include the oligosaccharides in an agent, this would be a considerable advantage for children who can not be breastfed. A three week supply of the probiotic and an agent with additional milk oligosaccharides could cause colonization to occur and persist as long as the children are taking the remedy, adds Underwood. (As)