The hay fever season has started

The hay fever season has started / Health News

Hay fever: first pollen of the early flowering hazel and alder in the air


Due to the extremely mild weather conditions, the hay fever season has started very early this year, according to the latest release from the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB). Those who currently suffer from a runny nose and an increased Hustreiz, usually comes from a cold, but in fact could be a pollen allergy behind the complaints. Because „first hazelnut and alder pollen fly in many parts of Germany“, reports the DAAB.

If the weather continues, according to the experts with a strong hay fever season 2013 is to be expected. Already the first pollen allergy sufferers complain of typical hay fever symptoms like a dripping nose, sudden sneezing attacks and itchy, watery or even cloudy eyes. According to the DAAB, 16 percent of the population suffer from pollen allergy. „The classic symptoms of hay fever allergy do not give you a friendly farewell to the arctic temperatures“, so the message of the German Allergy and Asthma Federation.

Hazel and alder pollen causes first symptoms of hay fever
Almost in the entire federal territory are already the pollen of the early flowering hazel and alder in the air, reports the DAAB. However, be „still no strong pollen“ The DAAB expert Anja Schwalfenberg emphasized on Thursday in Mönchengladbach. Also, most hay fever patients respond less vigorously to the hazel and alder pollen than to the pollen of later flowering plants such as the birch. Birches usually release large amounts of pollen in April and May within a short time. The experts estimate that the proportion of birch pollen in the entire pollen count of one year is significantly more than 50 percent.

Heavy hay fever season 2013
According to the DAAB, hay fever patients should prepare for a strong pollen season as soon as possible. To relieve the symptoms, antiallergic preparations are a commonly used remedy. A causal control of pollen allergy could be done by the so-called hyposensitization. With the onset of pollen-free time, the pollen components, to which they otherwise show allergic reactions, are injected into the hay fever patients in very small doses. Gradually, the organism gets used to the allergens and reacts less sensitively. The success rate estimates the DAAB to about 80 percent. In addition, experience „an old proven tip“ for the relief of hay fever currently „a renaissance: the nose shower“, reports the DAAB. The passages of the nasal cavity are flushed daily with water and brine, which frees the nose of pollen and dirt particles. „The nasal mucosa is normalized in its structure and function“, so the message of the DAAB. This also acts preventively against the pollen allergy. (Fp)

Also read:
Allergy sufferers: pollen due to mild weather
Hyposensitization to hay fever
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