The hip

The hip /
The hips form on both sides the connection between upper body and legs. It covers the area between the upper edge of the pelvis and the upper end of the femur - the hip joint, with all the tissue structures above it. The movement of the hip joint is controlled by numerous different muscles such as the iliopsoas muscle, the gluteus maximus (gluteus maximus muscle) or the adductors. It is exposed to considerable daily stress and accordingly frequently affected by signs of wear. The muscles in the hip area is covered by different pronounced fat posters, which can also form due to disease in a so-called lipoedema (colloquially called Reitertaschen- or Reiterhosen syndrome) massive layers of fat on the hips and thighs. These are not related to overweight or obesity, which is often recognized only late.

Most hip complaints are usually hip pain and limited mobility, but they can be based on a variety of causes. These range from congenital hip defects, signs of wear such as hip osteoarthritis and joint inflammation (arthritis), to muscular discomfort, bone disease and rheumatic diseases, to acute injuries such as bruises or fractures. Also, hip pain in adolescents sometimes due to a so-called hip flu (coxitis fugax). In addition, a pinched nerve and various neuralgia can cause hip pain. Depending on the numerous possible causes of hip pain, the diagnosis is sometimes a bit more complicated, but usually some simple movement tests can already provide relatively reliable information on the causative disorder.

In the treatment of hip problems in many cases with manual therapies or physiotherapy considerable success can be achieved. Naturopathy focuses on methods of osteopathy, Rolfing and chiropractic. Traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, is also thought to have a positive therapeutic effect on hip disorders. However, surgical intervention can not always be avoided and, if necessary, replacement of the hip joint with a hip joint prosthesis may be required. Corresponding operations are now part of the daily repertoire in many German clinics, but in recent years there has been growing criticism of the prostheses used or their materials and individual products have already had to be taken off the market due to serious defects. However, given the risks involved, surgery should only be used as a last option in therapy and only in patients who are severely affected. Especially since with the help of manual therapies the symptoms in everyday life can often be minimized or completely eliminated. (Fp)
