The hay fever season has begun

The hay fever season has begun / Health News

The hay fever season has begun: Expected first pollen flight by experts


The onset of spring is the prelude to this year's hay fever season for allergy sufferers. Professor Harald Morr from the German Lung Foundation in Hanover warns that the warmer temperatures are accompanied by an explosive increase in pollen pollution.

The alder, hazel and willow blossom had already contributed to a significantly increased pollen count in the course of the relatively warm sunny dry early spring weather and initiated the start of the hay fever season, experts like Prof. Harald Morr from Hanover or Dr. Ing. Wolfram Feußner, allergist and specialist for lung and bronchial medicine from Kassel. Next comes the birch blossom, with many allergic persons particularly sensitive to birch pollen. Hay fever patients should therefore prepare with appropriate measures for the upcoming birch pollen season, stressed the experts.

Tips from the specialist for the hay fever season
For allergy sufferers, the beginning of the hay fever season usually announces a nasal and palate tingling, subsequent sneezing attacks and eye itching. According to the experts, around 20 million people with allergies are affected throughout Germany. Dr. Wolfram Feußner recommends that hay fever sufferers keep the windows closed when the pollen count is strong and, if possible, ventilate only in the rain and in the late evening hours. Clothes worn outside should be washed frequently and not stored in the bedroom, said the expert in conversation with the „HNA“ („Hessian / Lower Saxony general newspaper“). In addition, it is not advisable to dry the clothes in the open air and the hair should be washed every evening before going to bed, explained Feußner. In addition, according to the expert pollen filter, for example, in the car or in the vacuum cleaner can be a relief for those affected.

Nasal shower to alleviate hay fever
Professor Harald Morr from the German Lung Foundation told the news agency „dpa“ also numerous of the already Dr. med. Feußner mentioned measures and also pointed out that allergy sufferers after prolonged stays outdoors and before going to sleep the nasal mucosa should be carefully cleaned with the help of a nasal douche. It is also recommended to the affected person to wash their face several times a day, explained Prof. Morr. When driving, allergy sufferers after staying outdoors should best accommodate the jacket in the trunk to keep pollen from the interior, said the specialist of the German Lung Foundation.

Insider tip against hay fever - edible oil and Vaseline
In order not to start unprepared for this year's hay fever season, allergy sufferers should get antihistamines from the pharmacy in good time. Feußner. This could be immediately reacted as soon as the first symptoms occur, stressed the expert. In addition, certain nasal sprays (prescriptions only) or special eye drops are recommended, Feußner continued. His insider tip to protect against pollen, however, is to rub the nose inside with a little Vaseline and to gargle with some cooking oil after getting up. However, all of these measures only start with the symptoms of hay fever - a fight against the causes does not take place here. Patients who no longer want to accept the annual procedure or who are in danger of developing asthma can often be successfully treated with the help of long-term, targeted immunotherapy, reports Dr. med. Feußner.

Hyposensitization to combat hay fever causes
Especially in hay fever patients who only respond to individual allergens and still have good lung function, hyposensitization can often effectively treat an allergy. Feußner. However, before the onset of hyposensitization, those affected should have an allergy calendar for one year to optimize the chances of success of the therapy, the expert emphasized. Subsequently, before the start of the next pollen season with the immunotherapy started, over a period of three to five years, the immune system with small doses of the allergy triggers will get used. If successful, the over-immune response of the immune system, manifested as an allergy, can now be prevented. Feußner. Although the time required for the patients is considerable, the hyposensitization offers a useful method, „which has helped many patients“, so the conclusion of the specialist.

Hay fever treatment in natural medicine
In naturopathy, numerous measures are also used, which should not be the symptoms but the causes of hay fever remedy. For example, comprehensive treatment success has already been achieved with herbal therapies, relaxation procedures, magnetic field / bioresonance procedures, autologous blood therapies as well as self-suggestion, acupuncture and homeopathy. However, if the symptoms of hay fever do not return in the course of naturopathic treatment, the affected allergic person should always consult a doctor, as an untreated hay fever, according to Prof. Morr worst case can lead to asthma. Also Dr. Feußner emphasized that untreated allergic inflammation often becomes chronic and spreads to the lungs and bronchi.

Phenomenon of cross-allergies
A special phenomenon, according to Dr. Feußner the Kreuzallergien, in which hay fever patients are increasingly allergic to food such as fruits and vegetables. Allergy sufferers who react to birch pollen are particularly frequently affected. The allergic reaction to the food is characterized by tingling or itching in the mouth and throat, but could also lead to swelling of the oral and pharyngeal mucous membranes and diarrhea and abdominal pain, said the allergist. Hay fever patients who develop a cross-allergy, often show a food intolerance to nuts, pome and stone fruit, beer, carrots, celery, bananas and kiwis, so the statement of the expert. In addition, herbal pollen allergy sufferers often do not tolerate spices (especially mixed spices) and patients with latex allergies often have problems with tropical fruits and sweet chestnuts, reports Dr. med. Feußner. The special thing about the cross-allergies is that in many cases they occur as a pollen-associated food allergy only during the pollen season, said the specialist. (Fp)

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Image: Rita Gäbel