The fingernails show a lot about the individual health

The fingernails show a lot about the individual health / Health News

A look at the nails can reveal a lot

Fingernails can tell a lot about our health. Whether discoloration, stains, brittle or wavy nails - Often, changes in the nails indicate certain clinical pictures. However, not all abnormalities are cause for concern. There are also some myths in the interpretation of nail health. But when should you better go to a doctor and what can you do about minor deficiencies yourself? Experts clarify.

More common changes include, for example, thin fingernails, brittle nails, and white spots on fingernails. The condition of the fingernails may indicate illnesses. Barbara Weigel from the Federal Association for Cosmetics and Foot Care knows how a healthy fingernail should look like: "Firm and still flexible", says the expert.

Fingernails can reveal a lot of information about our health. (Image: Dan Race /

The healthy nail

At best, the nail has a smooth surface that is slightly curved and about 0.5 millimeters thick. He has a matt-transparent look. In a well perfused nail bed, the nail appears in light pink color. But this description does not apply to everyone. Often, stains, discoloration or grooves are seen on fingernails.

Why do nails give information about health?

The physicians consider nails as appendages of the skin. They consist of the same substances as hair, that is, keratin, which is constantly being regenerated by our skin. If the body is weakened by a disease or lacking nutrients, it can also affect the way the nail grows. These are then visible in the form of certain changes.

A specialist gives information

The specialist for skin diseases med. In his dermatological practice, Uwe Kirschner evaluates daily symptoms of the disease that are visible on the nails. First, the expert wants to create a common myth of the world. "White spots on the fingernail are not a faulty sign at all, but rather harmless small air pockets," explains Kirschner to the "Allgemeine Zeitung".

White spots and longitudinal grooves are harmless

According to Kirschner, white spots on the nails are caused by mechanical stress and can be triggered, for example, by an impact on the nail bed. Even the common longitudinal grooves should give no cause for concern. Although these do not look very nice, they are not a sign of deficiency symptoms or illnesses. They increase with age as nail growth slows and the bed of nails is less perfused.

Nails symptoms of a metabolic disorder

"For some physical manifestations, I deliberately look at my nails," says Kirschner. Extremely dry, brittle and brittle nails may indicate a metabolic disorder. However, the nails are not enough for diagnosis alone. As an example, the dermatologist mentions a disease of the thyroid gland, in which patients usually have not only bad and unstable nails, but often also blemished skin and hair or hair loss or sweats.

Nail warning sign in psoriasis

For those who suffer from psoriasis, the dermatologist also checks the fingernails. "If patients with psoriasis have very bad fingernails, then there is a high probability that the disease will affect the joints next," says Kirschner. Then you have to consult a rheumatologist as a precaution.

Signs of nutrient deficiency

Brittle and brittle fingernails can also indicate a nutritional deficiency if the body does not have enough nail-forming substances available. It can not only lack of vitamins. Fats and minerals such as iron and zinc are also involved in nail formation.

Anorexia and malnutrition

"If a woman comes to me because of bad skin and nails, which weighs only 44 kilograms at 1.70, then it is not difficult to identify the cause," explains the expert. Malnutrition does not only occur in people with eating disorders. Older people who do not eat enough, those who undergo obscure diets and people who eat a lot of fast foods are often affected.

Cross grooves can indicate health problems

Although the above-mentioned longitudinal grooves are harmless, transverse grooves on the nails may actually indicate health problems. "They often appear some time after severe gastrointestinal infections, high fever flu, chemotherapy or periods of extreme stress," reports Kirschner. However, the transverse grooves would usually show only after the disease is over.

Most nail damage is self-produced

Kirschner often sees nail damage in his work that comes from external influences. As an example, he mentions women who wear artificial gel nails. "It does not breathe, it becomes susceptible to infection, and it can cause injuries when removing the gel nails," the dermatologist warns. Also Spüli, soap, gardening and craft activities can damage the nails.

What you can do to protect your nails

Gloves provide protection for the nails. However, plastic hygiene gloves should not be worn all day long. Taking biotin can, according to Kirschner, improve the appearance of the nails over the long term. "It takes a few months of patience, because the nails grow slowly," recommends the dermatologist.

Do not disregard this symptom

In part, the strength and beauty of the nails is genetically determined and can only be influenced to a certain degree. One symptom should not be disregarded. A dark patch or black band under the nail may be skin cancer. "That should then be clarified by the doctor," warns Kirschner. (Vb)