The financial crisis makes Greeks sick

The financial crisis makes Greeks sick / Health News

A study shows massive health risks for Greeks in times of crisis


A recently published study shows a causality between the health risk and worsening recession in Greece. Thus, the Greek financial crisis has a significant impact on the health of people.

It has long been known that an approaching or already occurring poverty makes people literally sick. People who find themselves in a precarious position have unequal access to the health system. Generally, an increase in sexually transmitted diseases is observed in such situations. The danger of becoming infected with incurable diseases such as AIDS caused by the HIV virus is rapidly increasing. In addition, the risk of death increases because people increasingly suffer from stress, depression or cardiovascular diseases.

In the English trade magazine „The Lancet“ researchers from the University of Cambridge's Sociology Department have published a study that has shed light on the health of the Greeks in recent years. As subtitles, the sociologists used the appropriate title: „Sign of a Greek tragedy“. For the data composition, the research team used sources from the Greek Ministry of Health and the European Union (EU). The study authors wrote at the beginning of one „disturbing deterioration in health data“, since the country struggles with the consequences of the financial crisis. However, the study only gives a bitter taste of what is to come. After all, the effects can only be guessed at present, based on the data analysis, because the worst effects for the people in Greece are still to come.

More suicides and HIV infections
The data submitted by the Ministry of Health show a massive increase in suicides since 2010. Already in 2010, the rate had risen by 25 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. In the first half of 2011, the quota even surged by 40 percent compared to the first half of 2010. Although the data can not be used to investigate the exact causes, a link with the current situation in Greece is inevitable. Many people are missing in the face of rising poverty and lack of prospects supposedly the reason for living on. Sufferers already suffer from depressive episodes, external conditions can increase the suffering.

Furthermore, the experts were able to detect a rapid increase in HIV infections. Due to the increase at the end of 2010, the data analysis shows an extremely poor prognosis. The scientists predict a rise in new infections for the current year of 2011 by 52 percent by more than 900 this year. First figures from the past seven months of 2011 showed that ten times more drug addicts were infected with HI virus than in the same period last year 2010. Again, a context could be established, as the researchers emphasized. „The connection to the financial crisis is that dependents no longer get any casual work, no alms or no pocket money from their parents“, explained study leader Alexander Kentikelenis. Many have to sell their bodies to get any money at all. At the same time, the consumption of heroin also increased. This increase is most pronounced since social austerity workers have rarely worked in government-funded programs due to austerity measures. The government has severely curtailed or abolished social programs in the last two years.

More crime in Greece
At the same time as the increase in infectious diseases, the study work also found an increase in crime. The number of theft offenses and acts of violence has almost doubled between 2007 and 2009, according to the results. During the same period, about 40 percent fewer people in Greece were eligible for sickness benefits.

It was astonishing, however, that alcohol consumption dropped significantly in the years under review. At the same time, therefore, also the „Alcohol at the wheel“ Offenses. According to the sociologists, there are possibilities of the state, „to improve the situation of the people“. On the other hand, declining consumption may also be a sign of the Greeks' lower purchasing power.

Situation will get worse
However, it is to be expected that the situation of people will worsen even further. A German study from 2010 on behalf of the German Trade Union Confederation DGB showed that a long-lasting joblessness makes people literally sick. Because unemployment leads to one „Stress situation of one's own kind“, as the study authors reported back then. The consequences, however, only become apparent after a few years. The most common diseases of the long-term unemployed include metabolic disorders such as diabetes, mental illnesses such as depression or cardiovascular diseases. (Sb)

Picture: Gerd Altmann