The five most important questions and answers about back pain

The five most important questions and answers about back pain / Health News
Five frequent questions ask the doctor: What patients want to know about discomfort in the cross
Back pain occurs in all age groups and often leads to a loss of quality of life in those affected. In Germany alone, around 11 million people suffer from a painful backbone. "Nevertheless, there is still much need for information", Dr. Reinhard Schneiderhan, Orthopaedist from Munich and President of the German Spine League, reveals the most frequent patient questions from his everyday clinical routine.

Up to five percent of all people get in their life sometime back pain that comes from a herniated disc. The symptoms can be alleviated in several ways. (Image: Viacheslav Iakobchuk /

1. How can I prevent back pain?
Lack of exercise often causes damage to the spine. Therefore, an active daytime organization prevents complaints. Even simple activities - such as climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, or more often riding a bicycle instead of driving a car - strengthen the muscles and stimulate the intervertebral discs. People with a lot of work-related needs are advised to adjust the desk and chair so that both feet are hip-width on the floor, while forearms and hands rest comfortably on the table top. At night, back-friendly mattresses provide relief for the spine. Ideal are specimens with different hardness zones, whose soft shoulder and hip area allows a relaxed sleeping position.

2. What can I do for acute complaints?
Light back pain is already helped by hot applications such as fango packs or hot water bottles. As an effective measure, Dr. Schneiderhan a damp-warm pack: "Simply wrap a terry towel soaked in hot water around a hot water bottle and place it on the affected back. Moist heat penetrates the muscle corset much faster and deeper than dry ones. "This relaxes muscle and nerve fibers and the increased blood circulation relieves first symptoms. If the pain persists for more than three days and symptoms occur, such as muscle weakness or numbness, those affected should contact a doctor immediately.

3. If a herniated disc always needs surgery?
No, there are now many minimally invasive procedures to choose from - such as the treatment with a microlaser. "In this procedure, we only sting a thin needle through the skin under local anesthesia. Through these we then lead a glass fiber, which directs a laser beam into the affected disc, "explains Dr. med. Schneiderhan. This treatment shrinks leaked tissue, fuses small cracks, and eliminates pain fibers, preventing the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

Often a herniated disc is the cause of the sciatic pain. In this, the inner core of the disc shifts and presses on the nerve roots in the lumbar spine. (Image: Henrie /

4. Can I do all the activities after an intervertebral disc treatment??
Doctors usually allow the patient a few days after a minimally invasive procedure for light physical activities. "Patients often have the opportunity to pursue sports activities such as swimming, cycling or jogging just three to four weeks after the treatment," adds Dr. med. Reinhard Schneiderhan. A full load usually takes place three months after the procedure.

5. What helps with a narrowing of the spinal canal?
In a narrowing of the spinal canal, also called spinal canal stenosis, wear processes cause the vertebrae or intervertebral discs to constrict nerves. Those affected often feel this after a short walk as a discomfort in the back, which significantly worsens their quality of life. In mild cases already help heat treatments, physiotherapy or injections. If these measures do not lead to alleviation and if there are predominantly soft parts such as disc protrusion or scar tissue after surgery, doctors resort to the spinal catheter.

In doing so, they inject a personalized medication mixture directly into the affected area. This leads to a shrinkage of the interfering tissue and thus to a relief of the affected nerve root. Only in the last instance does an operative enlargement operation or a stabilizing intervention take place. But even in such neurosurgical operations patients return thanks to modern and gentle procedure after a few days back into their everyday life.