The best tips to survive the Christmas season healthy

The best tips to survive the Christmas season healthy / Health News
Without stress and big belly - healthy through the holidays
Christmas time is feasting and laboriously work off the extra pounds in the new year - that is a popular saying. That does not have to be. With mindfulness, the fat layer can be avoided over the holidays.


  • Avoid stress
  • Schedule short trips
  • Eat enough
  • Please leave
  • Give fitness
  • Make up for compensation
  • Nibble right?
  • Eat fish
  • Goose or turkey?
  • Baked potatoes instead of french fries
  • Vegetable puree instead of roux
  • strength training

Avoid stress

Christmas means stress for most people. Instead of peace and reflection, the focus is on hectic: buy gifts, cook great food, but buy the food, when in the supermarket, the box office is endless, because everyone else is planning the same - and all in the season, in which the organism is on the back burner.

Getting presents in the crowded downtown, preparing Christmas dinners and festively decorating the apartment: Many people feel stressed out during the Christmas season. (Image: Smileus /

There are several ways to reduce stress. The first is planning. In the last week before Christmas, if the stores overflow with customer, then get the ingredients for the Christmas dinner in early December, if they do not need to be fresh. The more exotic an ingredient is, and the harder they get, the sooner they buy.

For gifts is similar, and here comes the mindfulness into play. The more personal a gift is, the better. Already in the weeks (and months?) Before Christmas, what are your loved ones looking forward to?.

Maybe a new coffee machine is missing? Does the houseplant wither away, and her daughter complains that she "actually" needed a new one? Does your partner always notice in between that he actually needs a wall calendar in order to forget fewer appointments? Take care of these little things with their neighbors when you pick up the signals, not just the last week before Christmas. The recipients then also pay their attention.

Also, conscious timeouts are good to reduce stress. Enter in your calendar when you just take time for yourself, read a book, swim hot, walk in the woods.

Schedule short trips

Combine stressful visits with the affinity with a short trip. Just sitting around eating all day is boring. Cities and landscapes in which they usually do not usually have a certain appeal. Do Grandma and Grandpa live on the North Sea? What speaks against a wintry beach walk? In the black Forest? How about a hike through the forest? Thus, mandatory visits become an experience.

What has stress to do with the excess pounds? A whole lot. Especially in the Christmas season, the grasp of sweets, in order to create happiness in the short term by the sugar, a ubiquitous temptation - the more stress, the greater the temptation.

Eat enough

First of all, it sounds like a paradox. Why should I eat enough, where at Christmas time, eating is omnipresent, and I just want to eat less. On the other hand, when it comes to growing it depends on the calories, and hardly anything else.

Burnt almonds or hot cocoa with sugar should be an extra treat and not serve to satisfy your hunger. If we are hungry, then we eat more - if it is food with a lot of sugar and fat, then we increase.

At the Christmas market, the range of treats is great. But only enjoy modest gingerbread, roasted almonds and lard biscuits in order to stay healthy and not gain weight. (Image: Dangubic /

So, before you go to the Christmas market, grab a tuft of zucchini, peppers, scallions, tomatoes, a pumpkin soup, or a large portion of coleslaw to strengthen your immune system and fill your stomach. At the Christmas market, they feel no overpowering urge for greasy pizza, spit roast or Schmalzkuchen and enjoy the treats in moderation.

An insider's tip is mineral water with carbonic acid: it fills the stomach, gives a feeling of satiety and is without calories.

Please leave

Did you grow up in the countryside and have beautiful childhood memories of the Christmas season? The roast goose on the plate is certainly only a tiny part of it. You might think of sledding, hiking across snow-covered fields, building a snowman or skating.

All these beautiful experiences had nothing to do with unnecessary pounds, on the contrary. At some point it occurred to you that you drove to the relatives' car at Christmas, stuffed the Christmas menu into the restaurant, and watched the children unpack the presents?

Why do you not treat yourself and your loved one to the great experiences of your childhood? Prevent someone from wandering in the woods before Christmas, admire the birds in the (possibly) snow-covered park, and read a winter story to their children after cross-country skiing?

They not only provide physical fitness as a means of overweight, but also do something for their good mood. The sunlight provides us with vitamin D, and the lucky charm serotonin is released in bright light. We also need the change of day and night to sleep well. Last but not least: exercise burns calories.

Exercise in the fresh winter air keeps you fit and creates a good mood. (Image: detailblick-foto /

Give fitness

You can also treat the Christmas calories with gifts: give away a family trip on the ice rink or a subscription with your partner in the gym, or as a wink with the fence post, hiking boots or outdoor jacket.

Make up for compensation

Little can spoil the mood better than to give up the feast on Christmas because of the slim line. But if they think of that on Christmas Eve, it's probably too late anyway.

You know beforehand that you are consuming more calories than usual over the holidays. Here you can as well as after-hours. So plan a low-calorie, busy week after Christmas, and preferably before that too.

Or start Christmas morning with a jogging session and cereal. In the pre-and after care helps a plan: Suitable are low-fat fish, all green vegetables, salads, and whole-wheat bread, which lasts for a long time.

Nibble right?

The sweets for Christmas are calorie bombs. But here too, the amount of calories can be reduced. Dried fruits, nuts and almonds contain a lot of calories, but they also fill you up quickly.

Sweet pastry is not the same as sweet pastry: Christstollen has up to 400 calories per piece, meringue, which consists mainly of protein, considerably less. Gingerbread has little fat, but, at least when it comes to the classic, a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals, ginger, anise, cardamom or vanilla.

Eat fish

Also, fish can be festive, and some of the best edible fish contain little fat but a lot of protein and are suitable as healthy diet foods. Zander, for example, is considered particularly noble, but has very few calories - even better go with seafood such as shrimp, scampi, octopus, mussels or squid. These are protein bombs with low calories. Octopus, scampi and walleye all have about 80 calories per hundred grams, and eel, which is popular at Christmas, almost 250.

However, you should not prepare the squids in beer batter, flour and eggs, but pure, filled with garlic, in a stew with tomatoes, onions and chilli or as a salad with peppers and olives.

Fish for Christmas dinner is much lower in calories than a hearty roast goose with red cabbage and dumplings. (Image: gkrphoto /

Goose or turkey?

If you like it classic, you can replace the goose with turkey. 100 grams of goose has over 300 calories, turkey just 170. Or you even take the extra low-fat turkey breast. An extraordinary taste has ostrich fillet and is with 129 calories per 100 grams additionally the calorie poorest poultry.

Baked potatoes instead of french fries

Pay attention to the side dishes. A crunchy salad with artichokes, radishes, peppers or chanterelles has negligible calories. A tip: As a snack, place raw, blanched or baked vegetables instead of cookies and chocolate.

With cookies and chocolate, you can use lower-calorie dark chocolate. For dessert, use low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese instead of whipped cream.

Croquettes and French fries contain much more calories than baked potatoes.

Vegetable puree instead of roux

You can also take care of classic food. Do not use pork lard for the red cabbage. Only then does he get fat. You can also cook vegetables such as carrot sticks, brussels sprouts or broccoli as side dishes.

For the sauce, instead of roux or cream, you can add mashed vegetables or lean cream cheese as a binder.

strength training

In general, the more muscle we have in proportion to fat, the more calories we burn, the more calories we can eat. On Christmas Eve, however, it is too late for this realization.

So go regularly to a weight training studio. With just one hour of training a week, you'll start building muscle in a month or two. They stay so fit and at the same time are better prepared for delicacies. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)