The best summer tips from the ophthalmologist

The best summer tips from the ophthalmologist / Health News

Summer tips for the eyes


70 percent of all relevant events absorb about 127 million visual eye cells of the eyes. Just how important this is is shown by the 250 or so Duden-listed phrases relating to "eye" and "seeing“. Most take good vision for granted. In order to keep it that way, Dr. Robert Löblich, ophthalmologist from the Artemis Eye Clinic Frankfurt, the most important tips for the summer months. So he advises caution in strong sunlight as well as when bathing in chlorinated swimming pool water or driving the convertible. In addition, in his opinion prohibit cheap operations in holiday countries.

No cheap surgery on summer vacation
With bargain offers abroad more and more clinics with beauty or dental operations advertise. But eye laser corrections, which can correct vision defects, are one of them. Patients should not save in the wrong place. Sometimes such offers turn out to be costly. „For example, the costs for follow-up examinations and any subsequent corrections in the operating price are often included in the operating price, but patients themselves bear re-travel costs“, explains Dr. Commendable. In addition, there are also risks to eye health: Eye laser surgery involves complex procedures involving consultation, preliminary examinations, surgery and follow-up treatment. „These can imperceptibly be abbreviated, omitted or made cheaper for patients.“ In addition, in case of doubt there are usually problems with the legal liability of the operating foreign doctors, because only the laws of the respective country apply.

Sunglasses most important protection against cataract
Protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation with sunscreen - a daily routine for many, especially during holiday and travel time. However, very few sunbathers also pay enough attention to protect their eyes from intense UV radiation. But those who deliver their eyes unprotected to the sun's rays favors the risk of developing cataracts, a progressive clouding of the lens. Only surgical measures then enable the restoration of visual acuity in cataracts. „To be safe from unpleasant consequences of sunshine, it is recommended to wear sunglass lenses with built-in UV filter and CE mark“, knows Dr. Commendable. In addition, sunglasses should cover the eyes as completely as possible. Above all, those who have bright eyes should protect themselves comprehensively.

Avoid red, dry eyes in summer
Dangers for red, irritated eyes, are usually easy to deal with: In addition to strong sunlight, sensitive patients should also avoid bathing in chlorinated water or open trips with the convertible. The latter sometimes leads by drafts to conjunctivitis. High ozone levels or air-conditioned offices in turn favor dry eyes. Only a few people know that flying - and especially long-haul flights - is a burden for the eyes. „The low humidity of only 5 to 10 percent can irritate the eyes“, describes Dr. laudable. „A lack of tears and the insufficient supply of moisture make them itch, burn and turn red.“ It comes to a "dry eye". Even wearing contact lenses often leads to dry eye symptoms when too little tear film makes the lenses appear as foreign bodies. (Pm)

Picture: Rainer Sturm