The eye flu is rampant

The eye flu is rampant / Health News

Eye flu is in season

The days are getting shorter, the weather worse, the temperatures cooler. The winter is approaching and with it the time of the infections. Above average numbers of people are suffering from colds and flu at this time. What many do not know though: even the eyes can catch a cold. The so-called "eye flu" or keratoconjunctivitis epidemica is similar to a typical cold or the classic flu transmitted by a droplet or smear infection. However, this form of the disease is very special care, because it is not only highly infectious, but also very persistent.

Eye flu is highly contagious

Eye flu is an infection of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, whose pathogens usually go the same way as those of flu or cold. They are transmitted to the body and then enter the mucous membranes, where they nest and get sick. And the danger of becoming infected with the pathogens lurks everywhere. Particularly popular bacterial herds are door handles, handrails in public transport, towels or elevators.

In the autumn months, the "eye flu" diseases accumulate. Experts explain how to protect yourself from infection. (Image: Birgit Reitz-Hofmann /

However, there are also bills that are full of bacteria and viruses that migrate from hand to hand and pass on the pathogens to the next with each change of ownership. If such a bacterial focus is touched and then thoughtlessly considered, the infection is perfect. The mucous membranes are particularly dry in the winter months, so that our defense system can not work at full speed and pathogens have easy game.

Itching, watery and very red eyes

Once the pathogens have been transmitted, the symptoms may take a while to come. The affected person then often does not know that he has an eye flu, but can pass on the infection to others. The disease is then noticeable after about eight days by itching, tearing and very red eyes. In addition, swelling of the eyelids and lymph nodes on the ear and jaw, which is accompanied by pain, is often seen. Only after about 10 to 14 days should the symptoms slowly subside. An effective therapy to heal the disease faster, there are unfortunately not yet. However, the symptoms can be alleviated with appropriate medication, for example with artificial tears or painkillers.

Immediate hygiene helps to prevent infection

Regular hand washing and the use of disinfectants from the pharmacy are the best and at the same time simplest measures to prevent contagion. In addition, it should be as good as possible to do without the rubbing of the eyes. This is especially true for contact lens wearers who are particularly susceptible to infection because pathogens are particularly easy to play when inserting and removing the lenses due to the proximity of the fingers to the eye.

In a normal course of the disease, the eye flu should heal after two to three weeks. In some cases, however, the opacity of the cornea persists even beyond this period, up to months. Again and again there are patients in whom the turbidity no longer subsides and their vision is impaired. If this is the case and other treatment options have not struck, a laser treatment of the cornea can provide relief and provide again clear view. "After a precise measurement of the corneal surface, this is removed with the help of the laser and the turbidity is eliminated. To protect the eye, a therapeutic contact lens is used after the laser has been used and the patient must regularly use healing eye drops in the days after the procedure, "explains private lecturer Toam Katz M.D., an ophthalmologist and medical director at CARE Vision.

In case of suspected eye flu, a doctor should definitely be consulted, because only then therapies can be discussed and the best possible disease course can be guaranteed.