The legs

The legs /
The legs form the lower extremities of the human and extend from the buttocks to the feet. They serve for locomotion and have to carry the body weight, which can bring significant burdens and increased signs of wear, especially in overweight. Especially the large joints (hip joint, knee joint) are often affected here. From the buttocks down, the leg consists of the hip, thigh, knee, lower leg and foot.

Not only in sports, the joints, ligaments and muscles in the legs are exposed to considerable force, resulting in a relatively high susceptibility to fractures (fractures), ruptures (torn ligaments) and muscle injuries (strains, torn muscle fibers). In addition, possible joint damage in the form of osteoarthritis (for example, hip osteoarthritis). In addition, leg disorders often reflect diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous system and internal organs. For example, in cardiovascular diseases is often a back pressure in the legs to determine the presence of numbness in the legs in impaired nervous system and in kidney and liver diseases, swollen legs are often part of the symptoms.

Thick legs and water in the legs are generally a widespread affliction in senior citizens, but also in jobs where workers are on their feet all day long. However, the swelling often goes back quickly when the legs are relieved or raised. If this is not the case, medical help should be sought in a timely manner, as the complaints may conceal serious illnesses such as, for example, a leg vein thrombosis. (Fp)


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