These are intentions for 2017, switching off, spending more time with the family and less stress

These are intentions for 2017, switching off, spending more time with the family and less stress / Health News
Popular resolutions for 2017: Germans, above all, want less stress
As every year, most Germans make good intentions at the turn of the year. These hardly change for years. Most Germans want to avoid stress and have more time for the family. In addition, many take to do more sports and smartphones and Co. more often off.

Stress reduction comes first
The turn of the year is traditionally the time of good intentions. According to a new survey, many Germans simply want to switch off in the coming year. The news agency dpa reports that especially young people want to press the off button of their smartphone, laptop or computer more often. This was the result of a representative study by the Forsa Institute commissioned by DAK-Gesundheit. In the first place of good intentions stands for 62 percent of all respondents, the stress reduction.

The stress reduction is at many Germans on top of the list of good intentions for 2017. Also, smartphones and Co. should be turned off more often times. (Image: juliasudnitskaya /

Switch off smartphones and co more often
According to the data, 38 percent of the 14- to 29-year-olds are planning to be more offline in 2017. Two years ago, only 29 percent of younger people said so.

It is said that across all age groups, 20 percent want to be online, compared to 15 percent in 2014. Older people are apparently less stressed by emails, messages and text messages. Only ten percent of those over 60 years old plan to be more off-grid.

The DAK health prevention expert, Hella Thomas, rates this trend as positive: "Anyone who turns off their smartphones and computers more often will stay relaxed and promote their ability to concentrate."

Other health experts see this as well. A "digital diet" for mobile users makes sense, for example, to prevent a "digital burnout". However, the disclaimer of smartphone is even worse for some people than, for example, an alcohol stop.

Implementing accepted resolutions
As in the past year, the questionnaire avoided stress, spending more time with family or friends, and getting more exercise or doing sports at the top of the list of priorities. For many, this does not seem like an unrealistic goal.

According to the news agency, more than half (56 percent) of those who remember their noble intentions (41 percent) held out for at least four months. As it was said, that was the best value since the beginning of the survey on this topic in 2011.

As a rule, experts recommend formulating concrete goals in the resolutions. It is also important that one feels anticipation instead of deprivation when thinking about the upcoming change. In addition, the plans for the changes in life should not be too serious. Then it is easier to implement resolutions. (Ad)