The skeletal strengthen movement helps against osteoporosis

The skeletal strengthen movement helps against osteoporosis / Health News

Actively fight against bone loss: Exercise helps with osteoporosis

Around six million Germans suffer from osteoporosis. The treacherous disease comes slowly, many sufferers often do not realize that they are ill until suddenly breaks a bone. But the bone loss can be prevented. Especially important here is physical activity.

One of the most common diseases worldwide

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is among the ten most common diseases worldwide. In Germany alone, around six million people suffer from it. The disease affects mostly older people: As the Barmer health insurance company writes in a recent release, in this country, four percent of men and 14.5 percent of women over the age of 50 years are affected. The experts also point out ways to protect against osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis mainly affects older people, especially women. However, there are ways to prevent the treacherous disease. Among other things, physical activity can help. Recommended are Nordic walking, hiking, cross-country skiing or cycling. (Image: Kzenon /

Chronic pain and permanent disabilities

Osteoporosis is stealthy, and many sufferers do not realize that they are ill until a bone breaks.

And even after fractures, many osteoporosis patients often do not get a proper diagnosis.

If bone loss is not diagnosed in time, chronic pain or permanent disability may also be present.

However, there are ways to prevent and even treat osteoporosis.

Build up of bone mass

In order to strengthen the skeleton, in addition to a calcium-containing diet and a sufficient supply of vitamin D, physical activity is the most important factor.

"With every single movement, the muscles exert an attraction on the bones, which in turn activates the development of bone mass," says Klaus Möhlendick, sports scientist at Barmer.

"That is why sport is not just used for prophylaxis but can even increase a diminished bone density," explains the expert.

Actively fight against bone loss

Already suffering from osteoporosis tend to passivity due to concern for bone fractures, although then regular training would be announced.

"It is important for osteoporosis patients to have an individual training program created," says Möhlendick.

"Sports scientists, physiotherapists or trained fitness coaches can discuss together with those affected which exercises are suitable in which intensity. An optimal training plan provides strength and endurance sports several times a week. "

Prevention through sports

Basically, osteoporosis prevention is recommended before the bones disappear. Those who exercise regularly enough early enough can strengthen their bones preventively.

The Barmer expert Möhlendick does not just keep an eye on the bones.

"Sport is generally good and important for the whole body. Exercise not only strengthens the skeleton but also promotes coordination, mobilization and balance. All three factors increase stability and stability, "says the sports scientist.

In this way you also reduce the risk of falls and thus of bone fractures.

However, according to health experts, care should be taken to choose sports that put pressure on the bones.

Suitable are, among other things, light gymnastics, Nordic walking, hiking, cross-country skiing or cycling.

Although swimming is good for endurance, the heart and the circulatory system, protects ligaments and joints, but does not burden the bones. As a prophylaxis and to support the osteoporosis therapy, it is therefore less suitable.

Sufficient calcium intake

In order to strengthen the bones, it is also important to eat enough calcium - and this at an early age. This mineral is found in many foods.

Often, dairy products are highlighted as good calcium suppliers. However, the "Osteoporosis self-help groups umbrella association e.V." (OSD) on its website points out that a "high protein content in the diet leads to calcium losses".

And: "The frequent consumption of animal protein by dairy products, eggs and meat leads to a chronic hyperacidity of the organism," the experts say.

Therefore, it is questionable whether dairy products are really beneficial to health and optimal calcium suppliers.

According to other experts, the important mineral should be better absorbed by vegetables such as broccoli, fennel or kale, nuts, soy products or calcium-containing mineral waters.

Beware of phosphate in front of the calcium thief. This is found especially in sausages, in cola drinks or in preservatives of ready meals.

Supply of vitamin D and regular exercise

Of prime importance for osteoporosis prevention is also vitamin D..

The so-called sun vitamin is indeed formed by the human body in sufficient sunlight, but in low sunlight exposure, it may be necessary to supply vitamin D artificially. (Ad)