These are cancer clues Examine the body more often

These are cancer clues Examine the body more often / Health News
Cancer Screening: Skin cancer, breast cancer and testicular cancer are easily recognized
The diagnosis of cancer today is often no longer a death sentence. For example, thanks to major advances in medical research, testicular cancer is nearly 100 percent curable when treated early. Other types of cancer such as lung cancer, however, have much worse prognoses, as this type of tumor is usually diagnosed late. In general, the sooner the cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that you regularly examine your body for abnormalities. This allows women to detect tumors by palpating their breasts. In testicular cancer, swelling may indicate the disease, and moles or patches altered by skin cancer may provide important clues. We talked to experts about how breast, testicular and skin cancers can be detected early.

Breast cancer screening: Women should periodically scan their breasts
According to the German Cancer Aid, around 75,200 women in Germany develop breast cancer each year. One in eight women is affected by the disease once during their lifetime. It is not uncommon for young women to be affected as well. For example, every fourth patient is less than 55 years old at the time of diagnosis. "At least from the age of 30 years, every woman should once a month in the shower with soaped skin scan her breasts," advises the gynecologist Alexander Roberg to the newspaper. "Those who do this regularly have more awareness of their own body and feel changes."

Check the body regularly. Photo: Alexander Raths / Fotolia

Visible changes in the breast may indicate a tumor. This affects the size and shape of the breast, striking differences in the breasts, organ skin, skin retractions, retracted nipples, redness or discharge from the nipple. Unilateral chest pain can also indicate pathological changes. Patients should always consult a doctor.

In Germany, women over the age of 30 are entitled to the annual breast cancer screening. However, this does not include ultrasound, which Roberg considers very important. A tumor often remains unnoticed for a long time and can only be felt from a certain size. For cost reasons, many women reject this investigation, the expert said. From the age of 50, the health insurance companies carry out an x-ray examination (mammography) every two years. "Thanks to this screening, significantly more small tumors are found," reports Roberg. "That improves the chances of survival."

Regularly go to skin cancer screening
Even with skin cancer, the earlier the cancer is discovered, the better the chances of recovery. The main risk factor of the disease is UV radiation.

The number of new cases has steadily increased for several years. According to the German Cancer Society, more than 875,000 patients are receiving medical treatment every year for skin cancer. With sufficient UV protection, many diseases could be avoided. Therefore, dermatologists strongly advise not to be without sunscreen with a high SPF and headgear in the sun - this is not true for the holiday in the south, but also for the local summer.

"Unfortunately, hats and long-sleeved clothing are not fashionable in the summer," says Eduard Biwer in a conversation with the newspaper. The dermatologist is involved in the fight against skin cancer and offers, among other things, once a year in the outdoor pool of his city a free investigation. "We have already discovered acute tumors."

Biwer wants to make people more aware of the issue of skin cancer prevention. "We also want to encourage self-control. If a birthmark changes, it's important to have the doctor look up. "

From the age of 35, legally insured persons are entitled to an examination of the entire body surface every two years. Not only the aggressive black skin cancer is in focus, but also the white skin cancer, which is often not recognizable at first sight. While black skin cancer (malignant melanoma) is prone to metastasis and is therefore considered to be particularly dangerous, white cancers are less aggressive, but this cancer should be removed as soon as possible. "The tanning of the skin is their attempt to protect themselves from UV radiation," says Eduard Biwer, "At the age of 80 at the latest, this reparability is exhausted."

Testicular cancer is often noticeable by swelling of the testicle
Testicular cancer usually occurs in younger men. The victims are usually between 20 and 40 years old. This type of cancer is often easily visible externally, reports the urologist Claus Luxenburger, senior physician at the Academic Teaching Hospital of the Brothers of Charity in Trier, to the newspaper. "Increasing size and a painless swelling are signs that can be palpated," said the expert. "If testicular cancer is detected and treated early, it is almost 100 percent curable. The real question that always arises is whether the tumor has spread. "Testicular pain should always be clarified by a doctor.

"With regard to the chances of survival, breast cancer has changed a lot in the past ten years. In the case of black skin cancer, the new findings open up real dimensions for a longer survival, "reports Johannes Bruns, Secretary General of the German Cancer Society, in an interview with the newspaper. Scanning one's body regularly for changes is an important contribution to cancer prevention. (Ag)

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