Extend the life Be healthier by new Mediterranean diet

Extend the life Be healthier by new Mediterranean diet / Health News
Less age-related illnesses and depression with Mediterranean diet
Researchers in Italy have found that people who eat Mediterranean are significantly less affected by physical disabilities, pain and depression. It was not the first scientific study to prove the benefits of healthy Mediterranean cuisine.

Mediterranean food promotes good health
That followers of the southern diet of their health doing something good while eating, has already been shown in various studies. For example, British scientists in the journal "BMC Medicine" reported that a Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. And Canadian scientists proved that this diet also protects the memory. Even some fats are healthy in the Mediterranean diet. And researchers from two Italian universities now find that people who eat Mediterranean are much less at risk of physical disability, pain and depression.

A new study found that people who eat Mediterranean are much less at risk of physical disability, pain and depression. (Image: kab-vision / fotolia.com)

Dietary habits and physical well-being
In contrast to previous studies, the scientists of the Istituto di Neuroscienze, in collaboration with the Università di Padova, have for the first time examined a group of people whose eating habits differ significantly from those of the Mediterranean population, reports the news agency "Pressetext"..

These individuals are struggling with significantly more heart-wreath and cardiovascular diseases. The results of the study were published in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

According to the data, the living conditions of 4,470 Americans with a mean age of 61 years were tested. The researchers compared dietary habits and physical well-being in their study.

Positive influence on the everyday quality of life
"Supporters of Mediterranean diet are on average a third less affected by movement restrictions and depression," said project manager Stefania Maggi, according to "press release".

Especially for people who consume a lot of fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish, chicken and olive oil, a positive impact on the quality of life was found.

Foods such as eggs or red meats play only a minor role in these eating habits. With the result that the risk of heart attack and other diet-related diseases such as diabetes is reduced by 30 percent.

"More studies are needed to confirm these statements," Maggi said. The positive influence on the everyday quality of life and the social conditions, however, is undisputed. (Ad)