The Mark of Evil Detected - This factor unites evil people

The Mark of Evil Detected - This factor unites evil people / Health News

This personality factor drives people to malignancy

What do reckless egoists, sadists, exploiters, oppressors and psychopaths have in common? European researchers have traced many negative personality traits back to a fundamental principle. This newly discovered D-factor (dark factor) seems to drive the evil in humans.

In some people, evil sleeps. This is not the prelude to a new horror movie, but a study by a research team from Ulm, Landau and Copenhagen. The psychologists were able to recognize common personality traits between people who are generally considered malignant. The results of their study were recently published in the journal "Psychological Review".

In a comprehensive study, researchers have deciphered the basic concept that shows malignant behavior. The combination of exaggerated selfishness and a high degree of persuasion plays a key role here. (Image: PhDreams /

The alliance of evil

The scientists analyzed nine personality traits associated with malignant behavior, including selfishness, meanness, Machiavellianism, moral disinhibition, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism, selfishness, and exaggerated lewdness. In particular, the researchers were able to identify two traits that promote these malignant instincts in humans and help them to be put into practice.

What is the root of evil??

"The core component of this dark factor of personality is an exaggerated selfishness that has a negative impact on others or society in general," said Professor Morten Moshagen, Head of Psychological Research Methods at the University of Ulm, in a press release on the study results. But according to the study, it's not just selfishness. Only when it is accompanied by strong persuasiveness, guilt, remorse and moral scruples could be prevented. A perfect breeding ground for evil.

When people go over dead bodies

The psychologists see in the combination of egoism and conviction an extreme form of individual utility maximization that lets people go over dead bodies. Owners of these two personality traits willingly, or even purposely, accept that others will be harmed by their actions. Guilt feelings and scruples are justified by their own convictions and thus stifled in the bud.

Do "bad people" have more in common than thought?

In addition, the researchers report that individuals with these two characteristics, who already have a personality disorder such as narcissism, are likely to show more pronounced Machiavellian and psychopathic traits. "People with a strong D-factor are statistically highly likely to become criminal or violent, or otherwise violate social rules," the psychologists report.

A meaningful factor for problematic behavior

According to the researchers, the D-factor is a meaningful concept that helps to bring problematic personality traits down to a common denominator. "The D-factor is a good predictor of selfish and dishonest behavior," says Copenhagen psychologist Ingo Zettler. Here, the D-factor is far more meaningful than the individual specific properties such as the existence of narcissism.

Negative behavior seldom comes alone

The psychology experts also came to realize that problematic behaviors can manifest themselves in several different forms when a person has a high D-factor. "To put it bluntly one could say that if a boss relish his staff down plaster, the likelihood is that he also exploits his business partners, evades taxes or cheats on his wife," sums up Moshagen.

How did the researchers come to the results?

In the comprehensive study, more than 2,500 people answered a comprehensive questionnaire. In addition, they had to undergo certain psychological tests. For example, the participants could gain advantages in a game by lying. In another game, the subjects were able to distribute money to themselves and others in a self-determined amount. In this way, psychologists were able to grasp, among other things, problematic behaviors such as dishonesty.

What is your D factor??

The psychologists have provided a free English-language online test to determine their own D-factor. If you want to identify your potential for malice, you can find the test at (Vb)